HAHAHA!!!! Yeah people often times think I tell them my nickname is wicked or wickit... like I'm evil of creapy or something! I actually got the nick cause when I was in 9th grade I was short about 5' 5" +/- and all the girls told me I was a teddy bear and they loved to give me hugs! (I'm not saying I'm a mad pimp guys!) And my buddy thought it fitting! Howd you get )v(? <---- Wow it's so simple... M
I downloaded a crap load of shaders and plugins yesterday so you may see some rendering of the wing in some cool stuff!
hehe anyways L8 mate!
May the force be with you...always!
A Jedi shall not know anger nor hatred nor Love
The only way to live a good life is to act upon your emotions
A warrior is reborn when he has something to protect