Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 13-10-2014 , 06:05 PM
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Posts: 31

Issues with Subdiv to Nurbs


I have a problem where when I convert my mesh from Subdiv to Nurbs it breaks apart

I imported the piece from Zbrush, made sure that any group info was turned off so that it was a solid piece

Converted Polygon to Subdiv successfully, but when I try to convert Subdiv to Nurbs it breaks apart like in the image shown.

I tried to use the Attach Surfaces and Attach Without Moving feature but that didn't help anything

Anybody have any ideas what I can try to ensure it stays as one solid piece after conversion

Any help is greatly appreciated

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Ever Try, Ever Fail, No Matter. Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better.
# 2 13-10-2014 , 06:12 PM
daverave's Avatar
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I have to ask the question why are you converting from polygons top subD then to nurbs?...............dave

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# 3 13-10-2014 , 06:15 PM
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Posts: 31
Hi Dave,

I am changing it to a nurbs surface so that I can change it to live mode and draw on curves as I'm in the process of making eyebrows, the pencil curve tool doesn't seem to work on my polygon version of it, and there's no option for polygon to nurbs conversion

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# 4 13-10-2014 , 06:27 PM
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Make live should work on a polygon mesh........................dave

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# 5 13-10-2014 , 06:30 PM
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Do what Dave suggests. Make the surface live and then draw a new clean poly surface on top. All NURB's surfaces must be quads so upon conversion from subd to NURBs you are going to get multiple quad patches.

Both Subd's and NURBs are poorly implemented in Maya and have not been touched for YEARS. They were clearly a marketing stunt so that they could say Maya supports all they modeling types in the brochures.

You can already see autodesk is stealthily trying to remove subd's and if they do not fix NURBs I am guessing they will be next to go.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Last edited by ctbram; 13-10-2014 at 06:34 PM.
# 6 13-10-2014 , 06:53 PM
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Drawing on top of a poly does not work neither does just drawing in space just trying to use the tool normally if I try use the pencil curve tool on a live poly or normal space (not on a object) it draws the red lines (seen in image) to indicate where the curves will be but when I press enter to apply them they do not go on, am I using it correctly?

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Ever Try, Ever Fail, No Matter. Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better.

Last edited by mendosa69; 14-10-2014 at 12:56 PM.
# 7 14-10-2014 , 09:02 PM
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Updated reply ^^^^

Ever Try, Ever Fail, No Matter. Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better.
# 8 14-10-2014 , 10:20 PM
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Could I ask what is it you are trying to model, if you show us a example we might be able to help................dave

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