Last night was a trademark low point, working 22pm-03am and maya crashed at least seven times, refused to do things, started freezing/hanging, lost my work on this helmet several times. I have a punching bag, at one point I just stood up and started hitting it screaming out of pure frustration - I hope I didn't wake the neighbours

Anyway, despite many setbacks I still managed to make this prop for the Halftrack in Substance but Maya has been giving me the finger lately. In this scene it refuses to show the texture, and sometimes I can't move or edit the UV shells anymore. What's going on? I tried exporting to OBJ and reimporting, deleting history, remapping, restarting PC, resaving as binary. I When I move or rotate the manipulator moves but the selected shell does not respond.
EDIT: I found it! Delete all history, Freeze transformations, Center Pivot, Freeze transformations, turned all normals inside out, then I reversed them and now my texture editor is working again. The only problem that remains is that I can't seem to 'cut' UV's anymore, when I try to move a shell the rest remains connected and deforms even after separating all edges

Sorry for the rambling, inbetween working graveyard hours and spending the nights in Maya I think I might finally be losing my damn mind