Wrong axis rotation of the foot/Ankle effectors or controls of Human Ik
After creating Control Rig with the joints that aligned with the preferences that i want, I checked all the controls to see if they have any problems and I found something that it shouldn't be. The Left/RightAnkleEffector or simply the Ankle controls from Human Ik does not face the same default Z axis (The X and Y axis are okay) with the others. The Z axis has estimated to be around 42 degree rotation to the front and I don't quite like how it is going to work to create my own animations. If I have to always animate CAREFULLY to make sure the foot lies on the ground level without any overlapping, I will have a hard time to finish it. I would like to animate the additional joints(such as hair) after I exported from iClone 6 and is going to expire soon.. So how can i fix this? Thanks!
Last edited by vinniejip; 22-10-2015 at 05:05 PM.
Reason: Edits