I'd love to help on this project, and i'm sure some others would too. But judging solely from how you asked the question you yourself would NOT be able to do it. But if you found the right message boards, and they (the navy) gave you enough money I don't think ALL is lost. Although you would need :
An EXPERT in coding (probably C++, or assembly)
An EXPERT in physics of ships like that
and someone who knew how to combine those types of things
in the long run the MAYA end of the project would be quite minimal. But maybe we are all missing the point. Are they just asking you for the graphics end? You should find out all of these things. It would certainly be an interesting (and HARD, which isn't a bad thing necesarrily) project! If THEY would be willing to pay for those experts, this IS possible. I meant its been done many times. I would try talking to someone who has worked on a similar project B4 also. I can link you to a guy if you'd like.
Sounds like ALOT of money to me, that they would pay you/give you to fund this project. Did they mention their budget? Once again i would ask.
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 29-04-2003 at 09:38 AM.