Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 02-05-2003 , 04:39 PM
the_postal_dude's Avatar
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The cube is then spherified, either by hand or in this case with a modifier in 3ds max.
It makes more sense to start from a spherified cube than from a sphere primitive because you don't get any poles and all faces are kept as quads.

Alternatively you can also start with a 1x1x2 cube and subdivide once.

i wonder if Maya has a spherified function , because i hate tweaking the vertices manually...

# 2 02-05-2003 , 05:12 PM
adldesigner's Avatar
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Interesting technique in that tutorial.

# 3 02-05-2003 , 05:33 PM
cb8rwh's Avatar
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just do what the tutor suggests and create a 1x1x2 cube and subdivide(smooth once) won't that get the desired result?


# 4 02-05-2003 , 05:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 338
Hi postal_dude,

you can use Smooth proxy... here's a little info about it... just click on the link which says smooth proxy... -->

an other option is to use CPS (connect polyshape) which is a nice plugin that pretty much does the same... user added image

you can e.g. take a look in last month challenge, on page 2 in my thread there is a bit about cps... -->

and here is a tip on only working on one half of the object... -->



Alex V. U. Strarup

One mistake can ruin it all...
# 5 02-05-2003 , 08:09 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 338
Hi again,

eh... smooth proxy is apparantly only for maya 4.5 and above... if you have a version below that... then CPS will be the best to use to get that kind of effect... were you smooth a box/square and work with that but with more roundness within it... user added image



Alex V. U. Strarup

One mistake can ruin it all...
# 6 02-05-2003 , 08:18 PM
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Yes , that was probaly the major problem , i have maya 4.0 ...

Now reading the CPS tutorial.

# 7 02-05-2003 , 11:37 PM
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oki doki... user added image

if you chose to use CPS... you can e.g. do it this way to get a start object which is quite similar to the start object from the tutorial... user added image

1.) make a box, and only subdivide the hight of the box, with a value of 2...

2.) select "connect polyshape" to convert the box into a CPS object...

3.) remove the "R" from the CPS-proxy layer box, so it would be empty... Select the inner "Box-object", and remove the V (visible) from the CPS-base layer box... and begin to move the vertices...

4.) after moving the vertices to the form you want... then get the "R" back in the CPS-proxy layer box...

5.) A.) and also get the V (visible) back in the CPS-base layer...
B.) select the outer BOX...
C.) click on this icon in the CPS controlbox... (in menu... cps... --> cps controlbox)... when you get the mouse over the icon it would write "disconnect proxy geometry from base mesh"... after clicking on this icon...
D.) then click on the yes button, when it ask "Delete base geometry?"

6.) and you will now have an object pretty similar as the one mentioned in the tutorial... user added image

hope you can use it, and it isn't to messy explained... user added image



Alex V. U. Strarup

One mistake can ruin it all...
# 8 03-05-2003 , 05:24 PM
the_postal_dude's Avatar
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ey starup thanks for explaining it to me and all the others , it really helps alot , and succes with the devils stepmom , that character is very hilarious.

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