I am trying to do this HighEnd3D tutorial, and it looks like I need a little help from you guys..
Step 2.
Next, go -Create -Cp curve tool, and create curves where you have drawn the lines - see

Each side of the later-to-be-patch is one unique curve. Hold C while drawing another curve to have the first curve point snap at the previous curve, and when releasing, make sure it's at the end of the curve you snap to, so the curves meet perfectly.
At this point it isn't important to have the curves at the same number of points, that is a later issue. One thing to aim at though is to keep the amount of points at each curve as low as possible, so that when you pull them out to form a 3d curve cage you simply have less points to shape with.

see, there he goes to "-Create -Cp curve tool", well, first of all, I can't find it. (there is CV, EP, and Pencil Curve Tool.>.>. mabe that's the 1?)
And then he says "Hold C while...", and here unfortunatelly I am also out of luck, I mean the point doesn't stick to the previous curve..
please help>>

thank you