keyframing.mb file is missing..pse help
Hi friends,
I am a very new user to Maya and i am following the tutotial provided in the Maya Unlimited ( 4.5 ). When i was at the animation lesson, i couldnt open the file keyframing.mb
I should be able to open it and follow the lesson and after so many week learning it slowly on my own ( because cannot afford to go for classes as its very expensive ) i am stuck with this.
I have searched it well and somehow the file isnt inside. Can someone pse pse pse help and send me this file. Its like small tennis court ( green colour ) with a tennis ball moving from one court to another. By using the animation technique, i would be able to learn the animation.
Can someone pse send me the keyframing.mb file to me via *EMAIL EDITED*
A good soul replied for me to get it from Alias Wavefront the other day but that would mean more correspondece and so on. I borrowed the PC containing the software from a friend of mine long ago and i dont have any details on its license issues. Could somone pse mail this file to me..pse pse pse....i really like to cont studying this software but now i couldnt go any further...pse someone......i also want to recommend this software to be purchase in a graphic school if its trouble free for me ...pse pse
I am thanking u so much.....