I am trying to texture a shield object that I made using polygons.
I layed out my Uv's all nice, made my textures, and shader and slapped it on. The problem is, The UVs are having no effect on the placement of the image, So i can grab a bunch of uvs and move em around and nothing will happen to the texture placement. Also, usually the image will appear in the UV Texture editor, but it didnt this time.
I tested it out on another simple object, and the shader and texture worked fine. Im sure its something simple im overlooking,
Very odd. The first I would suggest is deleting the object's construction history. That usually clears up most problems. If that doesn't work, post the scene file and I'll check it out.
Ill post the scene. I've aplied a simply checker blinn to two objects, (the textures are big), but it shows the same problem.
Check out each object's uv map.
It might have something to do with having multiple Uv sets on the shield. I didn't know how to get rid of them.