Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 13-07-2003 , 05:36 PM
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how to make appear and disappearing the menu bar of the outliner or the render view?

how can i see on which layer an object is placed?
i know that i can right-click on layer and let me show all objects which are on a layer. but isn´t there par example an attribute in the object, in which i can see on which layer it is placed?

i have a group with two objects. object01 has its pivot right in the object-center, object02 has its pivot in the urigin. now i want to scale them, but they are falling apart. how can i rule that they are staying together?
ok, now i have made one parent of another and it works. but isn´t there a possibiliy to tranform them as two separate objects? i only them to have a common pivot by using a tranformation on them. grouping together is also the false way.i have a revolved object, its behaviour a quite opposite than the others.

regards, colomea

# 2 13-07-2003 , 06:42 PM
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sorry, Im a newbie, but for your last question you should be able to select the group and go to modify > Center pivot. I am not sure if thats what you mean thoughuser added imageuser added imageuser added imageuser added image

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# 3 13-07-2003 , 07:45 PM
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the first question: try 'spacebar' for hotbox, then on the right 'hotbox controls' click your left/right mousebutton, go to 'window options', and press 'show pane menubars'.

or under 'window'->'settings/preferences'->'preferences'->check 'show menubar in panels'

I'm not sure about the 2 other questions, sry.
hope that helped.

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# 4 13-07-2003 , 08:02 PM
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Question 2:
Look at the object's channel box inputs, and you'll see which layer it is assigned to. Or, you can change the layer's color and all object wireframes will be displayed with that color.

Question 3:
When transforming a group, make sure you are actually transforming the group object. Select any of the objects in the group, press the up arrow on your keyboard to select the group object. Then, you can scale and rotate both objects at the same time.

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# 5 14-07-2003 , 12:25 PM
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1. hy d24e, yes that´s whai i´m asking for. but this setting has the disadvantages that the menubar appears also in all viewport panel. here they seem unnessecary to me. it would be nice only to see the menubar in new appearing panels like the outliner or the render view. thank you

2.looking at the object's channel box inputs, how simple and good

3.hy danny, as so often you are right. i have remodeled the scene as i described above and it works. i have had the problem as i described, but don´t it right now. for the future i will save all my files to which a ask questions in a special folder. thank

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