Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 25-11-2003 , 10:47 PM
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Blood effect

First of all, great site, great forums.

Now, I wanted to do a Kill Bill type animation. I've got the particles emission upon sword contact part done.
I just wanted to know how to do good looking blood particles (they don't have to be ultra realistic).
I've tried to change the color of the water from McKinley's tutorial to red but it didn't look good.

I'm a noob, so any help apreciated.

# 2 26-11-2003 , 06:19 AM
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Well, blood IS a hard look to get straight out of Maya without any plugins, I agree.

You could try reading the docs regarding the "Blobby" particle render type, as it cam be mapped with a shader like a Blinn with a medium-high specularity, and high essentricity.

Keep your reflections in check, as Human blood looses & blurs reflection as it dries.

For the animation, depending on how goopy, or fluid (splashy) you want your blood to be, try using more than one emitter to give you a variety of blob sizes, or just use a creation expression from our dynamics Expressions thread to give you a number of random blob sizes with one emitteruser added image

Also, which shot were you going for?

The "chopping-off-heads" style of blood shooting, or something less?

Just curioususer added image

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 3 26-11-2003 , 12:11 PM
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"chopping-off-yakuzas-heads-with-samurai-sword" style user added image

# 4 27-11-2003 , 12:40 AM
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HEHE! LOL! Lucy Lu is SO hot! I LOVE THAT SHOT!!!

...hehe... anyhoo...

Well, if you noticed the camera focus in that particular shot did a SUPER-QUICK "rack-focus" from the POV of the back of the dude's head, and as his head is lopped-off, Lucy is brought into focus with a little bit of "slam-zoom" for that "old kung-fu flick" effect.

The blood SHOOTING out of the guys' neck is simply hillarious, and for good reason.

Blood is under a LOT of pressure in the body, however, blood will NOT shoot CONTINUIOSLY like that for as long as they held the camera to Lucy's face.

So, you have 2 options:

1. Show TONS of needless detail, with high-speculars and DEEP red opaque blobby and coagulated surfacing.
AND, not to mention, to SHOW the detail of the blood like that, your camera would need to be in another position, or you could just cut to the floor afterwards, to see a pool of blood, as that would be WAY easier to pull off than REALISTIC fluidic blood.

2. Place an "upward-hose-like" directional emitter emitting with a little bit of spread with a HIGH rate, and with "depth-sort or jitter" turned ON so you can get a bit more depth to the shooting particles.
Ad a touch of a glassy-like, medium-high specularity, NON-transparent, shader colored dark red, (or tweak that color in post, which would be a better idea) and raytrace to taste.


Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 5 28-11-2003 , 12:12 AM
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you're da man.

I need to get a little more experience before i'll try this shot, but you definitely gave me some clues.

I love that shot too (first thing I did after seeing the movie was to replicate it in maya using a jedi sword I had done. The result was hilarious too, though for different reasons...)
The entire movie is just fantastic. 3D animations need some gore if you ask me user added image

# 6 28-11-2003 , 12:54 AM
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I agree! user added image

That's why I can't wait for Hellboy!

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 7 28-11-2003 , 06:57 AM
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hummm you could always paint a ketchup bottle blue, have a blue back ground.. squeeze the hell out of it on camcorder.. and composite.. LOL>..... jk.. just being silly hear. remembering how many times I wandered how much ketchup they used in movies..

# 8 28-11-2003 , 06:43 PM
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Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 9 29-11-2003 , 03:40 AM
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Shoot in black and white and use hershey's syrup like they did in the shower scene for Psycho! user added image

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