Particles+Rigid bodies: Timeline playback not rendering!
Basically, what i'm doing is a keyframeless animation with particles and rigid bodies...sort of a chain of events type thing. It's quite short.
Anyway I was told to set the Timeline->Playback speed to Play Every Frame , with Playback by: 10. (so every 10 frames)
So I set everything up that way and it seems to work fine playing back every 10 frames... the particles push the ball and the ball hits the hinge and then falls into a cup.
My problem is, when I put it back to every 1 frame, OR i try to render, nothing happens (the particles don't push the ball and nothing happens).
How could I get around this? How can I tell it to render what it sees in the preview every 10 frames?
I tried doing a batch render of .jpg's every 10 frames but that doesnt work either...sigh
Any help would be greatly than greatly..i'd be forever in your debt.