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# 31 19-01-2004 , 01:49 PM
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Do human’s have a choice... ?

Well yes and no, disregarding the "apple" topic altogether I would have to say that humans act out on there past experiences on a manly unconscious level.

Why do I think this? Well quite simply through my own experience...

Why do we marry a person we are going to struggle to change for the rest of our lives?
Why do we contaminate our bodies with drugs, drink and bad foods?
Why do we totally over react to the pettiest of things?

The answer: unresolved pain

We struggle with the person and thy to change them based on past experiences, as primitive as it sounds it is the exact way we USED to struggle - so therefore we find the exact person that we will continue the struggle with through life.

Although we will say "I will never be like my mum, I would never treat my child like that" - we are helpless unless we resolve the pain the way it needs to be resolved. Sure you might do a better job, but the struggle is always there as you know not how to deal with the feelings as you probably never had your needs met. You think you know but this is merely denial to stop you facing your pain for as to admit the truth will bring the pain to a conscious level - And this is a thing that the body will cut off automatically , I would call these simply defences.

So why does the body repress all this pain? Well....because it needs to, the body would have simply shut down if it was able to feel the pain at such a tender age....

Why does it come back later in life? .... Well because the brain is now developed enough for you to feel and understand the pain...and to integrate it into your life... the cortex is developed and you have an understanding... in fact I see it as a gift but many are either to scared or to there defences are to strong to allow them to access it instead they turn to religions, alcohol, drugs, sex or what ever they can get hold of to "not remember"

Bit heavy this hey guys? And infact I think I have gone completely of the topic but as soon as I see "do humans have a choice" then I replied.

And so my answer would be Yes and No - to the question...

They do have a choice although the choice will be decided ultimately on their unconsciousness - so whether this can be a yes or a no is debatable

# 32 20-01-2004 , 01:17 AM
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Right on Kevin,, well saiduser added image

# 33 20-01-2004 , 03:45 AM
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If I had 2 identiacal apples, and had to choose, I would simply be choosing an apple, period. Whatever possesed me to use whichever hand is irrelevant. If I had one arm amputated I would HAVE to use the other. When I was young I hated tomatoes, but now I like them... How did I know this with out deciding to try something new? The deciding factor here being simply that I had not made a decision in quite some time. I had to decide to try something new. Everything we experience does predetermine what choices will be made, this is true, and therefore the I would only be out of control if I had no short or long term memory at all. At that point I would not be able to use what I had learned to make an intelligent decision, and would have to relearn everything I had once learned. >whew< All that we are not able to control is what we do not know for sure, hence this post being started in the first place, and debates in general, because if we had already learned the answer to this awesome question there would be not be 3+ pages worth of discussion. I'm an idiot. Later...

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# 34 20-01-2004 , 04:18 AM
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ok... When I was 18 I worked at a pizza joint and I was robbed at gunpoint. I was told, with a gun in my face, to lay down on the floor in the bathroom and shut up. I did EXACTLY what I was told and I lived to tell you about it. If I was in ANY way out of control, I might have suddenly jumped up and tried to fight the guy which would have resulted in me being shot in the face. Even though I was being controlled, I chose to be controlled and not to risk putting myself in danger. Another example... If I was out of control I would be walking into walls and jumping out of windows because I would not have the knowledge not to do these things. If I was out of control I might bite into something that I know I dont like and have to vomit becaue of it. once again, I would be out of control, not able to stop vomiting. bye

Fall down seven times, get up eight...
# 35 20-01-2004 , 11:04 AM
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Oh, indeed Kevin.

The unconsciousness is where all the truths lie and it takes more than a bit of intestinal fortitude to bring it to the conscious. If we do not work at bringing it up to a level of awareness it will sneek up at the most inopportune times. And so we anesthetize. Not all affective anesthetics are inbibed, like drugs or drink, etc. Denial is the strongest in my opinion. Playing Cloepatra (queen of denial) has been my greatest role.

For me it is like this. We have free will hence we go about our days making all kinds of choices. What to wear, what to eat, which freeway to take to work, what radio station to listen to, how to spend our money, and on and on ...add nausium.
Of course all these choices are just petty BS. They are the results of our intense ability to mind F--K ourselves and stay totally distracted from what really matters. And what really matters is dealing with our issues (like the pain Kevin mentioned) so we can get to a different level of awareness. One that allows us to become truely intimate with ourselves and the world around us.

Thank you again Darkware for starting this thread. Being able to read and reply to different posts really helps me define what I do and do not believe, in a way that is not possible when I am just tripping about in my head.

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# 36 20-01-2004 , 12:40 PM
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Thankyou PonysGirl. That really means a lot to me. Makes me feel like this is more of an educational thing rather than a hive of mad bees fighting each other. lol. I definitely know that I would not be where I am today and would not understand all of my beliefs had I not discussed them with other people beforehand. I've probably talked with 200 people about this very subject and religion included. I practically live off this stuff. I just wish I had time to reply to what some of you are saying. I love to support my side of the fence as often as I can, but I'm just too busy now. user added image

# 37 21-01-2004 , 12:00 AM
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Sweetie, you are very welcome....

You do what you need to do and come play with all us when you can....user added image

"Si vis pacem para bellum" if you desire peace, prepare for war.
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