Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 22-03-2006 , 11:54 PM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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a new character im trying to develop.
he will be an assasin/sam fisher [splinter cell'ish]
character for my show real.

thanks for comments.
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# 2 23-03-2006 , 12:05 AM
Joopson's Avatar
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good, but his neck looks a tad long, NICE WIRE!

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# 3 23-03-2006 , 02:09 AM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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a quick fix. . nostrils and corner of mout a bit.

the neck may seem a tad long, but its because theres no body yet to judge the proportion correctly. it will look fine once i start the body tomorrow.

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# 4 23-03-2006 , 03:37 AM
DJbLAZER's Avatar
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That's looking mighty fine vladimir! Can't really find anything to complain on.

# 5 23-03-2006 , 07:50 AM
Funky Bunnies's Avatar
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I've always been a fan of your work, man. I really like this one. I agree, the neck looks fine to me proportionally. The main thing I see strange with the model is the nose. The biggest thing about it is the harsh sharpness of the nostrils. Smoothing those out will alleviate some of the strangeness about it and a bit more attention to that area will help it out too, I think. Looking at your model it's really nice, but once you cover up that nose with your finger it looks a lot better. I think it should be a rather simple fix- It's mostly the outermost parts of the inner-nostril that just need to be pushed in a bit maybe user added image.

I really like the eye area, it's got nice definition and a lot of realism to it. I also like the ears, but they look a wee bit 'meaty' if you know what I mean. I haven't seen tons of ears, but I have looked at a lot and most of them are a bit more 'sharp'. For some reason I think that would fit the character a bit more but that's completely just my opinion.

Anyway, it's looking great. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress user added image
Keep it up, man.

# 6 23-03-2006 , 08:20 AM
skywola's Avatar
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Looks better than anything I have ever modeled, but if I were to take a stab at critic, I would say that if you are shooting for realistic look, there is something not quite right about the appearence of the neck and the tendons in it . . . . were it meets the top part near the jaw, they are way to pronounced, and perhaps to much of a "V" shape to them. . . .

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# 7 23-03-2006 , 08:53 AM
gster123's Avatar
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Bloody good work man!

# 8 23-03-2006 , 10:23 AM
magicsy's Avatar
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wow very nice!! Keep it up Vlad

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# 9 23-03-2006 , 11:43 AM
FubaR's Avatar
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Hey..quite nice...very clean mesh.
Just one crit. Maybe the corner of the eye (viewer's postition - right eye, right corner) is a bit too long. Bot other than that...very good work.

# 10 23-03-2006 , 01:37 PM
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great. thanks for the critics. i will take all into account when i revise the heaad later on.
his is still very much a wip.
and i havent really touched the neck area, until i can add an upper torso.

thanks for crit. ill uptade shortly.

# 11 23-03-2006 , 02:01 PM
arran's Avatar
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Looks very good vladimirjp - well done. Other than the points raised by everyone else, the only other thing that is bothering me are the corners of the eye - the outside corner looks too low and the tear duct looks too high - usually the tear duct is lower than the outside corner. Looking forward to seeing the next stage.

# 12 23-03-2006 , 02:22 PM
13th_resident's Avatar
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awesome work DUDE!!!!!
not sure if Im right, perhaps it's just the angle/position of the head but [to me] its looks like his eyes are set too deeply.
but then again I may be wrong.

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# 13 23-03-2006 , 03:44 PM
gster123's Avatar
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Do you have a link to your other works as i'd love to see em??

# 14 23-03-2006 , 05:41 PM
t1ck135's Avatar
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nice modelling vlad user added image

what jumps out at me is the tops of the cheekbones just outside the eyes. They look too built up and maybe like what you'd see in a chimp/gorilla. Slightly reducing them will help remove that flat look.

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# 15 24-03-2006 , 02:03 PM
Velusion's Avatar
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Your model looks wonderful. Plus, the geometry is very clean and well thought out.

What shader did you use for the white renderings you posted?

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