Anyway, give me your opinions on anything that you think might help me. For example, in your opinion: 1) How long does a good DVD run for you to consider it value for money (for me content is way more important than length). 2) Do you prefer it to focus on one topic e.g. making a model from concept to rendering, or do you like a bunch of mini topics. 3) Do you like to focus on the techniques used, and the reason for using them, or do you prefer to just end up with something good. etc.
Please feel free to suggest anything no matter how crazy.
Just so you know, it'll focus on NURBS modeling, specifically hard surface modeling. There's already a ton of character type tutorials out there, so I'm trying to do something different.
Here's an example of my most recent work which is probably close to what I'd be trying to teach in the tutorial.
Thanks for your time.