There are a lot of games now using Maya. Mike TheManMountain is still in the industry (I think) so he would probably be the best one to answer this. But its unlikely anyone can give a list.
Maya is still predominantly used for TV/Film ATM, but is stating to make a bigger hit on the Games market. Most companies will accept Maya or Max for creating game assets. UT2004, UT2007, Call of Duty 1 and 2 and WoW to name a few, would have had stuff created in Maya. No game is made solely with one application, companies use a massive amount of software and it all comes down to, "...Can it meet the projects needs?..." and "...What will it cost to impliment?..." as far as I am aware.
From what I have read in magazines and online, more studios are accepting Maya as the app to use while utilising others for different parts. Motion Builder is used quite heavily for AVI cutscenes or movie sequnces in game.
I am using Maya atm, in the MMO in my sig, to create Characters, Buildings and Objects, and this has its own problems due to the choice to use the Torque Game Engine. While its good and cheap, really doesn't allow the import or use or other 3D Formats and only supports .map files and its own native engine formats (DIF, DTS and DSQ). There are exporters to help, but most actually dont, so we are looking into other otpions to get the conversions done... And due to the fact its really designed and marketed for Indie Teams its meant to be used with Hammer or Radiant or QuArK, these being free.
My tip would be to look in Google at the major games producers and see what they have created and look into it that way. I think you will be surprised at the amount of games that use Maya now.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix

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