It's been a while since i showed anything here, so i decided to start my new project.
I'll try to create an alien temple. Goal is to try make something defrent, unique. Since my imagination is verry poor, it will be good exercise for it.

I'll try to mix fantasy with futuristic style here. I plan to make make completly alienish/weird vegetation, and the temple itself should had a bit of organic feel to it.
To be honest, i don't really know how will temple look at the end, since i'm trying to think of design as i work.
The story behind this temple is, that long ago, there used to be some alien race. After some human (or alien, not sure how to say) of this race goes into certain age, they are tranformed into into higher specie.This means they go into another dimension. To do this tranformation, they have this sort of ceremony (can't remember the correct english word) in this temple, where the relatives say good bye to him.
I know, not verry orginal.

In any way, here's first picture: