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# 1 06-01-2009 , 08:47 AM
danotronXX's Avatar
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the Watrix CG movie

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hi guys,
well, here is my third cg movie release. took one year to make. its revolved around the same matrix idea that characters are all "plugged-in" to some virtual simulation program only this time, we humans created this program. and so comes the video game characters all plugged into the "watrix". "the one" is found within this herd of video game characters and the action begins. .
after watching it a couple times I realized the plot wasn't very clearly brought across and I don't know why i still fail at storytelling clearly. also, I didn't like some of the sound effects works in the beginning. however, I like how the pipe fighting scene. it ended up pretty cool.
but enough about what I think, what do you guys think of it? anything you liked or didn't like? id like to know what goes throw peoples heads when they watch this flick.


Last edited by danotronXX; 06-01-2009 at 08:49 AM.
# 2 06-01-2009 , 02:44 PM
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writing this as i go, so some questions may or may not be answered as i watch the other parts

nice models of the mario game
who's that dude with the turtle shell bazooka? (i haven't played mario before so i dont know if he's a real character or not)
who's the dude he fights at the end?
the deformation on the non-SD mario's legs are a bit funky. you can see clear volume loss as he runs through the hallway with the guns
at the beginning when mario was running away from that giant black pacman with teeth i thought mario was bouncing on his head, then i realised his arms are too short to get above his head. was quite funny user added image
and i laugh at the unreal/dota sound effects "owning" "holy s***"

haha, link!
did you render all those giant things with the pods? or did you just duplicate them in the post production stage?

i admit... i got distracted during your second one with a conversation..... so i can't really comment on it so much
i did notice the gun on mario's shoulder crossing through his shoulder though... it's pretty hard to get it right

that's some really nice work!
nice models and effects

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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# 3 06-01-2009 , 03:07 PM
gster123's Avatar
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Anotther bonkers blastfest there DanotronXX!

I liked it, wasnt too sure what was going all the time but got the just of the story.

I would have liked to see some refinment with the hero character to make him a bit more lifelike and a bit away from looking like the other characters in your other works.

Can see a lot of work went in there, good work and cudos for keeping the project going till completion.

Nice one.


"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 4 06-01-2009 , 03:16 PM
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wow that is one large project with some really nice bits in it. So many really hard shot and sfx done sooooo sweeeetly - it is a really cool show

but .....
Your large mario character is killing it. The mesh looks blockly, the rigging looks off (the face looks awful when moving and the bump mapping looks wired) and the walking cycle is crap (and the voice over needs to be scrapped). Now every other character you have looks good and works very well, I don`t know where you went wrong with him. It painful to watch him walking after the lobby shot out scene.

The unnecessary use of the sound clips from unreal are sooooo not needed (and also thy were fill of swearing that some viewers will not like).

The other thing I did not like was the lighting. It was so over lite - in places it was hard to see anything.

Also the place you split the video was bad timing. If you knew you had to cut the video in half then you should have done it just after the jump into the teleporter. The second part is so short its barely worth watching.

Now I know it sounds like I`m ripping it apart but I did like it and I think (or more like hope) the others here will tell you the same.

Plz don`t hate me - I`m only being honest

# 5 07-01-2009 , 04:40 AM
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no this is some good stuff you got. a lot of the things you said were actually things that i wanted to tweak up a bit but for the sake of finishing the 165 shots, I unfortunately let them pass.

# 6 07-01-2009 , 11:35 AM
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oh and I forgot to specifically thank simplymaya for helping me on some of the technical issues i was having during production. I remember I was researching the net for a while and then I went in the simplymaya newbie forum, clicked a couple keywords in the search, and got a practical answer in seconds. was a lifesaver...

# 7 07-01-2009 , 01:00 PM
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Originally posted by Chirone

who's that dude with the turtle shell bazooka? (i haven't played mario before so i dont know if he's a real character or not)

that dude is simply some free rigged model i got at highend3d. my lord was it hard to control lol. but anyways I used him cause I was too lazy to rig a random character. it didnt matter who it was for the cause but I needed some character to shoot that bazookia.

who's the dude he fights at the end?[/B]

the dude he fights is ganondorf. he is the main bad guy in the Zelda series. the reason its ganondorf is because my friend had the collection of zelda models from twilight princess and it was the only models I could work with.

then i realised his arms are too short to get above his head. was quite funny user added image

lol yea his short hands were definitely an issue. thats why i couldn't make it a closeup

did you render all those giant things with the pods? or did you just duplicate them in the post production stage?

for the closeup shots of the pods, it actually took a very long time to render. my computer couldn't handle me rendering all of them at once. they were actually a series of layered renders. so the upfront middle strips of 3 rows were rendereed in one image sequence. the top back strip of 3 rows were rendered in onother sequence of renders....etc. so in total I'd get about 12 layers of renders all put together in post production(like you mentioned). then smoke and saturation was added to make em look farther away and bla bla bla. however, rendering the shots were the pods were very far away was done in one pass. it was just a texture with an alpha map duplicated all over a flat plane. however, on that "epic" shot with the million pods on that mountains background, I actually split,poked faced, and cut faced the textured plane to give the pods a little depth cause the shot was somewhat of a closeup.

btw any more questions is welcome, its actual fun answering them

Last edited by danotronXX; 07-01-2009 at 01:19 PM.
# 8 07-01-2009 , 01:51 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 595
damn it why didn't you say you were working on a Mario themed animation:headbang: ,

cause i would have let you use my mario model, it would have been so cool to see him running around,

any way nice pieace of animation,

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# 9 07-01-2009 , 02:10 PM
danotronXX's Avatar
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and yours has an actual texture for the pants !:headbang: darn it lol!

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