I'm basically a newcomer to 3D modelling and I'm really enjoying every moment of it, but I struggle a lot when I have to rely on my own techniques and skills to tweak models. I find it very difficult to visualise some of things that Kurt makes his models look like 'between sections' of his tutorials.
So I have a few issue,
1) I'm trying to avoid having unnecessary poles in my geometry.
2) I'm trying to keep my mesh entirely in quads if possible.
Now this isn't linked in so much to the tweaks that I struggle with but it is a technique I also find hard to master.
So in the tut, Kurt attaches the arm to the torso by cutting out a rough shape, using Polygon Combine, and Merges the verts to sow it up. I decided to use the other technique I learnt from him in the Anime Character tut and use boolean.
This worked nicely and I have cleaned up my geometry except the 2 problems above. Could some one give me a hand in how to get rid of these. (see attached)