Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 26-01-2003 , 02:07 AM
Ultragames's Avatar
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Suggestion on new image!

I spent about 5 hours on this. I am progressing I think. Let me know every thing you think.

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# 2 26-01-2003 , 02:20 AM
undseth's Avatar
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Everything? user added image

Here it goes...
-The floor is pretty non-realistic (imho), unless this is an "art" thingy.I guess you could texture the whole surface with planks/boards, or model the few planks/boards and texture them individually.
-The almost inivsible glass wall is a mystery.
-A little exciting with the light seen in the upper left corner (kind of a detail)
-It looks like the carpenter had been exceptionally apt at setting up on the walls, a few "trims" (?) between the floor-wall-ceiling would add some "realism" I think
-I think the "cloth" looks pretty good (you are ahead of me on that one!)

And you can always add various details to spice things up.

Oh a last thing, I'm not sure how big a person is in this scene, but I'd say that the "chairs" or the seats (I cant think of any other word for it at this time) are a bit (a little) too wide.

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# 3 26-01-2003 , 02:31 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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forgive me if I'm mistaken, but it also looks as if you are simply using the cloth example that comes with Maya.

If so, don't feel bad, as you're obviously learning, but watch out for that kind of stuff when posting to forums such as this.

SimplyMaya is a fantasticly kind place, but other forums (which shall remain namless **coughcoughcgtalkcoughcough**) may not react so kindly.

If I'm wrong, then very nice job with the table cloth. user added image

# 4 26-01-2003 , 03:09 AM
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Originally posted by mtmckinley
forgive me if I'm mistaken, but it also looks as if you are simply using the cloth example that comes with Maya.

Um, you must be mistaken. Because I know of no example. I down loaded the bed cloth movie, learned how to do it, then out one on a table, made a cloth texture in Photoshop and put it on. So im guessing that means good job? user added image

Undseth: exciting light? is this good? To tell you the truth, I dont know where that light came from, and i can't figure out how to get rid of it. I know my glass is to transparent, but i used a downloaded shader. Im kinda just taking what i downloaded for now, 'cause i have no clue as to how to fix it.

Um, apt huu. What do you mean by that. As far as trim. Not going to perfect on this one, still just trying out new things to learn with.

I guess that the over all vertic on my cloth is, good job. Preaty good considering when i woke up today, I had no clue how to even get a piece of cloth on there never mind texture and bend it right. What i have had problems with, is making a cloth shirt. its cloth, but i have to cut out the folds and sew it back together. No clue how to do that.

I am surprised at the lack of mention about the tree. I can't take credit for that one. Its the only thing in there that i didnt make my self.

Well, back to the drawing board to learn soemthing new. Mabey I see what those little 'curve' thingies are and how they work.

PS: what do you mean im ahead of you on that one Undseth?

# 5 26-01-2003 , 03:53 AM
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I meant that I haven't even given the cloth tool a single though. It is totally unknown to me, so you are ahead of me (in time) in learning to use the cloth tools. user added image

I do not support Bush! Nor Saddam! Long live UN!
# 6 26-01-2003 , 04:58 AM
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