Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 01-03-2003 , 09:43 AM
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March Challenge 2003

Alright, lets get cracking on this new competition!

This months challenge....

"Futuristic robots/machines"

This was voted though you, at the announcements poll and i would of picked it myself user added image. This should be a great competition and you should have lots of fun, seeing its just SO flexible. This area contains anything from mechanical spiders, to cyborgs, to tanks. People have asked if they can do futuristic cars, and that is also allowed! There shouldnt be any problem with your decicion, if you have a problem, i will let you know right away!

Hopefully lots of you join, well at least ten. This is NOT just for advanced maya users, but for all levels! This is a great learning experience, just make sure you post your topic with the sentance structure below. Either:

"March Challenge - Name - Noobie"
"March Challenge - name - Normal"

1. Texturing is allowed.
2. Wire frame shots must be presented at random times.
3. Various shots of the progress, throughout the whole challenge, at different angles.
4. Concept Drawing or Picture, to be presented (where possible).
5. Submit your stills at 640x480, for loading purposes.
6. Final render can be at any size you wish, and all artowork in the render has to of been made by yourself.
7. Finish by last day of month midnight at latest (10 o'clock my time)
8. Mark final render saying "FINAL RENDER" within the post. there can only be 1 final render by the way.
8. Have lots of fun!
9. Everything in your final render has to be modelled by you during the challenge.

If you have any questions post them here, or PM me if its more private.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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Last edited by M; 02-03-2003 at 07:02 PM.
# 2 01-03-2003 , 09:48 AM
Posts: n/a
nice challenge M.... should be fun, hope to see lots of entrys this time. Get started early you guys - dont leave it to late user added image

# 3 01-03-2003 , 09:53 AM
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Also to add on to this, dont think that if 1 week is passed, then you just cannot join. I joined my Golem model in a previous challenge with only 1 week left and i still made the deadline, i just highly do not reccomend this! So if you didnt find this within the first few days, dont panic.. seeing you still have TONS of time. if you work on it a bit a day, you should be able to pull it off.. it does depend on how complex your model is, so think of the complexity along with the time you have left, before you start.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 4 02-03-2003 , 12:13 PM
mumbojumbo_13's Avatar
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found these people views of the future

Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.
# 5 02-03-2003 , 12:18 PM
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a future car

Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.
# 6 02-03-2003 , 07:01 PM
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Mumbojumbo! That is the coolest car ever! If i had the money i would have it custom built! WOW. As for that intersection picture, that is great if anyone makes a floating car, they can put the car in that picture for just some cool renders user added image. Or they can recreate it and put their car or w/e in it for their final render.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 7 02-03-2003 , 08:58 PM
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"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 8 03-03-2003 , 03:20 AM
englar's Avatar
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Yeah its cool but i think that you could add more things at ituser added image, thats because i got the feeling that the competition will be tuffuser added image

jesus loves you!
# 9 03-03-2003 , 11:25 PM
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By the way guys, if i have missed your renders, due to a lot of posts and me just passing it by accident.. you have to tell me so i can get it up... thanks user added image. I think i have everyone at the moment. Also BTW.. dont post unless i havent updated it for at least 24 hours since your latest render user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 10 12-03-2003 , 03:57 AM
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Sorry guys for the lack of updates on the showcase. I have been soo busy the last few days and just havent had time to do it. I will be doing it tonight for sure user added image. Just letting you know so that you didnt think i forgot about it

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 11 12-03-2003 , 07:02 PM
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Arg, ok.. I wont be having internet for a couple weeks for many reasons. I will talk to you all when its back up and running user added image. Cya then.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 12 19-03-2003 , 10:18 PM
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only around 10 days left guys... so get a move on user added image

# 13 20-03-2003 , 10:49 AM
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No prob! user added image

# 14 20-03-2003 , 02:43 PM
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Prob no a prob. LOL I'm just figered out how to convert Polys to subD's and back with out lose or gain. Should go much faster now. It helps with low RAM.

# 15 26-03-2003 , 03:03 AM
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Yaaaaa, ok im back and happy to be on SM user added image. Anyways I was on a vacation so its super busy at my house right now and I have lots of other stuff to do. Either today or tommorow i will try to get the showcases back up and running and answer any questions I have received. Ok, cya around the board.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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