1st: Thank you very much for this great forum and the great people here - I love it !!!!!!!! :bgreen:
Now, I want to try to model a very simply tire for an old airplane.
It looks so easy, but the way to model seems to bee as not.
What I want to have is that on the tire you can see around a profile.
I´ve tried it with a nurbs torus - and than I´ve inserted more and more isoparms, to get more possibilities for the hull.
hmm, well, my tires looking like gummiballs or round chewinggum: lol:
Which method prefers modelling it a tire?
hmm, thank you soo much for every little hint, help and/or information - sorry for my bad english.
--> the never giving up bernhard

(lol; now I´m addicted in nurbs modelling)