Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 1 05-05-2005 , 01:52 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 24

nurbs curve or edge movement

is there a way of duplicting a curve and moving it along to the left or right but the end points stay on the curves that it was ending on before? did that make sense? if it dosnt pls say and ill post a picture trying to explain what i mean!!
thanks user added image

# 2 05-05-2005 , 05:30 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 119
You could try,

1) Select the first curve
2) duplicate and move to the desired location
3) Right click [vertex] on the new curve, select the end vertex and hold down 'V'
4) with V held down move the vertex of curve 2 towards the end of curve 1. It should snap the vertex to the exact location of the first vertex of curve 1.

Repeat steps 3,4 for the other end of curve 2

'x', 'v, 'c' (and maybe others) perform 'snap to' commands when moving on object/edge/vertex.

x snap to grid
v snap to vertex
c snap to curve

hope that helps


The you can attach the curves or whatever if you need them to be seen as a single object etc

# 3 05-05-2005 , 06:39 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 24
no sorry thats not want i want to do the verticies at each should be seperate from the first curve and the two end verticies will be on two different curves.

# 4 05-05-2005 , 08:57 PM
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Dup it then switch to edit points mode. select all the edit points except the first and last and move them.

AIM: mhcannonDMC

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# 5 05-05-2005 , 10:13 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 24
but then those end points would stay in the same place? i want the two end points to stay on the curves when they are moved not stay in the same place as the previous curve

# 6 06-05-2005 , 09:35 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 119
So, you have a curve with two end points, and you then want to expand the curve (doubling the amont of total vertices), but still have it as one complete curve? Like having half a circle then trying to stretch it bigger to make a full circle?

If I'm on the right track, mhcannon's suggestion or my own would still work, duplicate the curve and mess with its position, then attach it to the original curve, maya then sees the object as one single curve.

Under the [edit curve] menu there are a few tools that could help
Attach curves
Detach curves
Open/close curves
Align curvess
Rebuild curve

Have a quick look at the maya help to see what each of these tools does and if they could help you.

# 7 06-05-2005 , 01:43 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 24
na no ones really getting what i mean, im at work at the mo but ill draw a picture later to show what i mean. yes i know about the edit curves menu and the commends found there lol.

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