Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 06-06-2005 , 08:31 PM
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Ha ha! Yet another project that I have started that I'll probably never finish…

Well, I'll try. Anyway I always wanted to try and model this creature it is an eryops. It comes from the Carboniferous period some 354 to 290 million years ago...

It was about six feet long and was basically a giant frog - with teeth and probably attitude, here's what I have done so far…

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 2 07-06-2005 , 12:18 AM
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He looks very intimidating, from what you have done. Prolly cause he's 6 ft long! What kind of fingers/toes does he have? Like a frogs toes, or what? I see that you havent done them yet, so I was curious. Id ask for an actual image of the thing, but there werent any camera's back 354 to 290 million years ago. What are you using for references?

- Hybrid
# 3 07-06-2005 , 02:14 PM
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Well I-Iybrid, I haven't got a clue about whether this critter had webbed feet or not either… I think I am gonna do them like crocodiles feet since that it the closest living thing today that resembles it (I think).

As far as references are concerned I saw the skeletons attached intially but I got a bit carried away with what I imagined it looked like in my head…

So I think I am gonna have to get my finger out and modify what I have done to get it to match the skeleton. Mind you I will have to make up what the skin colouration would have looked like - that is of course unless I can get Ming the spaceman to go back in his spaceship to 270million years ago and get me a nice colour photo or me user added image

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 4 07-06-2005 , 03:52 PM
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Based on that ref, I'd think its head would flow more into the shoulder with not so much of a neck, sort of like an alligator's body. It does make for interesting possibilities.

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Last edited by mhcannon; 13-06-2005 at 09:52 AM.
# 5 07-06-2005 , 07:47 PM
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Hmmm, the more I look at my work the more I can see what I need to do…

This critter has a sort of hunched at the shoulders look, the tail needs to be longer and the legs lower down - I can imagine him walking a bit like Arthur Daily, short little steps looking at that skeleton.

I better stop rabbitin' and get on with it, more updates soon!

Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 6 07-06-2005 , 08:38 PM
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I'm liking that Frogadile you're making there. What are you using to make him? NURBS?

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# 7 09-06-2005 , 09:36 PM
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What are you using to make him? NURBS?

Polygons. Then I smooth them to see how it looks then unsmooth them and carry on. I wouldn't do organic things with NURBs - too complicated!

Anyway, here's the latest. I have basically been remoulding the bugger to get it to look more like the skin that would fit the skeleton I posted.

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 8 17-06-2005 , 04:02 PM
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Right been working away today - god I model slow - I am sure I could learn some speed up tips somewhere!

Anyway here is the latest, I have been working on those feet and legs all afternoon and I think that I have made an improvement.

N'est pas?

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...

Last edited by gazzamataz; 17-06-2005 at 04:06 PM.
# 9 20-06-2005 , 08:29 PM
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Done a bit more around the head, mouth and top of the body. I am trying hard not to put too many crases into him like a crocodile might have - he's a giant frog after all and I must think kermit, kermit, kermit…

Oh BTW, don't think I am gonna use that marble texture on this critter that was just a quick shader I slapped on for effect user added image

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 10 21-06-2005 , 03:26 PM
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I like him. I like the way the head is looking. I think while you are working on the head that his nostrils need to go deep inside.
Looks great overall.
I could see a bunch of kids in my neighborhood trying to catch one before it nabs a kid with a long tongue or something.

# 11 08-07-2005 , 04:58 PM
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Done a bit more to the head and added teeth and a tongue (which you cannot see). I decided that I am not gonna do too much more to the modeling side of things, I am now gonna start texturing the bugger - I ain't looking forward to pulling all those UVs about but its gotta be done!

It interesting that all the time I have been working on this model I am trying not to make it look like a crocodile. Perhaps Eryops was the great ancestor to a crocodile...

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 12 08-07-2005 , 06:20 PM
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Teeth !.. Glad to see you are still working on this. I wonder if it should have a dry scaly kind of skin or a wet salamander-ish looking skin. I guess the question there is where does it live? Where would one be found ?

# 13 08-07-2005 , 06:33 PM
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I wonder if it should have a dry scaly kind of skin or a wet salamander-ish looking skin. I guess the question there is where does it live? Where would one be found ?

Well being a super jumbo amphibian it would have skin like a salamander/frog - no scales and it would have wallowed in the Carboniferous swamps some 354 to 290 million years ago waiting for dinner to stumble within reach of it user added image

The UV mapping is proving interesting my machine is being SLOW!!!

Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 14 15-07-2005 , 10:56 PM
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Well I have been hard at it piddling about with all those UVs - god they can be boring!!!

Anyway, I still need to tweak the UVs especially around the feet and this is a very rough texture map but I couldn't resist posting it cos I don't think it looks too bad for a rough…

I know one thing I must get a faster computer UV editing can be real slow and this model ain't that complicated.

What do ou lot think so far so good?

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Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 15 16-07-2005 , 12:22 AM
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UV-Editing slow? Man, do you got a Pentium-90? On my XP 2800+ it's no lag whatsoever.

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