Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 01-08-2005 , 07:05 PM
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Question about CartoonDog Tutorial!!!!

Alright.... Before i ask any questions i have to say i love maya, im an experienced 2d artist and have been working wioth 3dstodiomax lightwave for a couple of years and am now figuring out that maya IS the best 3d application any artist could use........ If ya didnt know?!!!! lol

I downloaded all the free tutorials and im on the cartoon dog tut...
Well i got the whole dog and now its time to UNION all the limbs and such together.... well it seems like im missing something because im folowing the video too the "T" and for some reason its not letting me union anything.

Now... i can open a new document in maya and simply union a sphere and a cylinder, but when i deform them a little bit and try to union them it doesnt work...???


Head and neck Union.

1.)Their nurbs and i press enter as i select each object singly.

2.)Then i go and convert them to polygons.

3.)Then i select the head after being converted to poly's as it says and i click on union with control points checked in options box.

And nothing happens!!!!!

Is their a setting im forgetting????
Plz Help.............

Im usually smart about things like this but this is giving me a headache!!!!


# 2 01-08-2005 , 09:58 PM
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Have u deleted the nurbs surface? Usually, when booleans union go wrong, both surfaces disappear.

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# 3 01-08-2005 , 11:13 PM
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Nope!! I've hidden the 4 legs body and ears and nose leaving only the head and neck as the video says, iconvert the nurb head and neck into pols then delete the nurbs and all i have left is the poly head and neck, and it still doesnt work....

What does ENTER do? that'll help a little bit!!!! I guess i could go to hotkey menu and see but im on a different comp and dont hav the prog or scene to check it out.
it says press enter on each object and then union.

...but i can create a new scene and create a sphere and a cylinder to see if the problems maya or my own mistake without deforming it, it will union the sphere and cylinder but if i deform it like i do by using hull or (i think)convert vertex and move the vertexes or isoparms or any geometry it will not union!!!!


Oh yeah i love the M & M's Smoking pic!!!! thats a keeper!!!

# 4 02-08-2005 , 08:28 AM
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hi there

i got this checklist for creating booleans a few weeks ago and its helped me out alot so hopefully you can make some use from it. i have no idea why he says to press enter after selecting the geometry either. it would be good to know why he does that!

all the best

make sure no unmerged verts, edges, faces
it helps if the objects are closed
make sure normals are all facing out - turn on backface culling to see (Jesse, this was the problem with your file.)
keep things on a "reasonable" scale within the home grid - close to the origin
try lowering the global tolerances in preferences
if you don't need faces lying on top of each other - don't. ie: if you want to cut out the corner of a cube with another cube - make the second one extend above and below the first to get a nice clean cut.
if it still doesn't work and you can get away with it - move the objects relative to each other a little bit and try again, just a tiny bit to maybe help the solver figure things out.

# 5 03-08-2005 , 12:39 AM
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ok I got it.....

hmmmm i think i should feel stupid right now!!!
With some exploring i see that in the modeling menu up at the top has "EDIT NURBS" and "Polygons". Well it seems that i was using the one in "EDIT NURBS". lol

I feel retarded, thx for the advice though...


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