Firstly we had to create a character that was humanoid, had no hair, could talk and could walk.
So stupidly I looked for a cool figure I thought I'd like to do from my miniature collection and the Growlers from Vor stood right out at me.
Unfortunately the muscles on these guys have become quite problematic, so in hindsight I should have done something far simpler.
But the final result should be worth it.
So without further ranting here follows my work (which is still in progress)...
I started by taking side, front and top photographs to use as reference for the Growler.

Then I created rough muscles with lofted curves.

So after converting the NURBS to polygons I joined all the muscles up and started on the details of the head. Ignore everything else (since the arms and hands will be re-done, I call them boob muscles at the moment on the upper arms LOL).

So that's where I'm up to atm, I'm still working on the head (u can see a gap in the lower jaw), then I'll move onto the rest of the body.