Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 24-05-2006 , 03:05 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 9

want to learn Maya

hello guys i am a beginner in maya and have 36 points and i don't know what tutorials is suitable for me >> i need advice from u guys, i want to learn it , i downloaded the Dog tutorial but it is very fast . do u have any suggestions guys ????user added image

# 2 24-05-2006 , 07:20 AM
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from what i know you should start off with the tree frog or the dragon tut. it should give you an idea on how start start modeling. but you should ask mmoore5553 or kurt for more details on those.
i'd also recommend organic modeling 2. its 21 points altogether. but since your a beginner you should probably get organic modeling dvd.
its really up to you.

cheers user added image

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!

Last edited by 13th_resident; 24-05-2006 at 07:23 AM.
# 3 24-05-2006 , 04:18 PM
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what do mean by organic modeling DVD is that the name of the tutorial?!?!:headbang: user added image


# 4 24-05-2006 , 06:55 PM
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organic modeling dvd is a tutorial made just for beginners. click here
to buy it. (with 27 points or £23 or $42)
organic modeling dvd 2 is another organic modeling tutorial, and its really good.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 5 24-05-2006 , 07:06 PM
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hey all modeling is tough yes but you can do it .... the dragon tutorial is very good ...alot of new stuff to learn . Yes it is hard at times but then again any organic modeling is.

The tree frog is a very good one too. I have it but have not tried it ..i have looked at it and viewed it is good. I just wanted to do a dragon.

If you are not familar with the tools of maya then i would say learn those.

also have you done the dog tutorial ? if so then either one would be good .

I would suggest either one or try something that is not organic a star ship or something like that is hard at times but if you are able to stay on track it is worth it ...

Kurt tutorials are very good . I have learned tons from it and very thankful ... also people here will help you out if you have trouble.

the dragon dvd does take you step by step as a beginner dont worry about that ... if you want to do a dragon . It shows alot of other tools that are basic to use and start off

# 6 25-05-2006 , 10:34 AM
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thank you all for da help , but could u please tell me where i can learn about the basic tools of maya , and where i can find the dragon thing , i would be apreciated

thnksuser added image

# 7 25-05-2006 , 10:40 AM
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Last edited by mmoore5553; 25-05-2006 at 10:43 AM.
# 8 25-05-2006 , 10:46 AM
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i really don't know how to thank you bro for the help i really apreciatet:attn:

# 9 25-05-2006 , 10:48 AM
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no problem ...just alittle thought ..I would download one and then see if your interested in it at all ....and then if you make it threw one of the video's and then download second one ..that way if you dont like it you dont waste your money on something you will not finish .you could always use your other points on something else. But the video's on this site are worth there money in gold ..also like i said check your email for more info ...

# 10 25-05-2006 , 08:37 PM
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i checked my e mail and i loged into the site u gave it's really good but i didn't buy anything yet. i had a 36 point and by mistake bought the hunted house now i don't have any points so .... i guess i am scrwed!!:angery:

i would like to ask you a question do you think buying a book and learn from a book is worthy or buing tutorials and learn it live is better ? which one is more worthy ?

i downloded the dog video but could not make the right tuch specially when adjusting the nerbs(sheer), any way i found it some how difficult to deal with , afterwards i downloaded the GI modeling and texturing but did not start yet??

after those i wasted my money on the hunted house thing :attn:

anyway i think i must buy a book to get the basics , i am very good with photoshop and fireworks and some other applications but maya is different as i see it user added image

# 11 25-05-2006 , 08:38 PM
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But it is fun!!! and worth to learn

# 12 25-05-2006 , 08:48 PM
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sorry to hear your points gone already ...

well I have used books and tutorials from here opinion is sometimes books leave out steps ...but some dont ..I know alot of people learn from alias books ..i have a few myself but got lazy and didnt read them ..went with video tutorials cause I learn better that way is a choice up to you

i found the dog tutorial harder for me ..I never did finish it ..i like how the dragon is taught and I will go back ot dog cause I learned alot and how to get by the point I was stuck on .. haunted house looks like a good one is the basics as far as I knwo alot ...

there are several books out tehre to learn from ..just go at your pace ..basics are essential to learn me i have learned that before

# 13 25-05-2006 , 08:50 PM
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I never did the dog tutorial- though everyone else has user added image

Live the life you love, love the life you live
# 14 25-05-2006 , 09:07 PM
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my dog got rabies and passed on lmaouser added image

# 15 25-05-2006 , 11:34 PM
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i cant do any tutorials i have no points and no money lol.

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