Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 27-12-2006 , 09:20 PM
mrmitch's Avatar
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Fantasy Scenes

# 2 27-12-2006 , 10:06 PM
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Okey first the tavern, what the hell are those green/red bottles? it makes it look more like a sportsbar or something. And arent the textures a little to big?

And secondly, that sword's handle look like a DNA string or something how can you hold it?... user added image

Sorry if it sounded rude, I'm just very tired right now (4am in sweden.) user added image

# 3 28-12-2006 , 02:11 AM
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Personally i think i could effectivly weild that sword in combat, and Use the double Helix-esque design of the Hilt for an effective defencive mechanism..but.. it does look a bit cartoony, In My opinion.

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# 4 28-12-2006 , 12:39 PM
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Originally posted by Weyu
Okey first the tavern, what the hell are those green/red bottles? it makes it look more like a sportsbar or something. And arent the textures a little to big?

And secondly, that sword's handle look like a DNA string or something how can you hold it?... user added image

Sorry if it sounded rude, I'm just very tired right now (4am in sweden.) user added image

Yes, if you look at the snakes from the side, there's enough room for your hand to slip in. The rest of it acts like a hand-guard.

The textures are just for starters. Didn't spend much time. Just something to give it a general look for posting the scene.
Hey, who's to say what drinks in a fantasy world look like?

Thanks. I always appreciate the positive and constructive feedback. The only way to improve...

# 5 29-12-2006 , 11:41 AM
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# 6 29-12-2006 , 12:17 PM
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For the tavern, I really think there needs to be some sort of main light. Right now, its looking a bit saturated and dark. Thats cool if I'm the bar tender and its time to go home. But it doesnt look like somewhere I would want to drink. The lights don't look like they would have enough intensity to illuminate the entire room. There needs to be bounce light, fill light, and key light. Shrek 2 has a nice looking taven.

For the room, The candle is only going to light a small part of the room, and I dont see where the light from the candle is bouncing off the back wall. The object on the table has light, but is it strong enough to overpower the candle? If the bounce on the left wall is that strong, then the spread of the light on the table from both sources should spread farther. I dont know how the skeleton on the floor is being lit. If it is from a source other than the ones on the table, then that needs to be brought out more.

# 7 29-12-2006 , 01:14 PM
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*winces* About the sword hilt.... it looks neat, but I don't think I would want to fight with a weapon with a hand-guard like that. Mind, I've done barely any fighting, and none with a weapon that short, but you need far more room in a guard than you think, and almost none of that on the sides - it really goes more around from the front (look at, say, the basket-hilts prevalent in the lighter fencing blades). My reccomendation, if you want to keep the snakes - get rid of one of the sets. You have the heads start on the back side of the sword (where the wrist starts), then have the rest of the current curve come out the other side and form a front guard, before curving back around and meeting at the base of the handle. You don't have to worry about the gap, that should be fine. Oh.... and one more thing - you might want to make the handle of the sword covered in something that doesn't slip as easily as most metals do (leather is probably good - otherwise think tennis racket).

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# 8 29-12-2006 , 03:12 PM
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Good tips all. Thanks.

# 9 30-12-2006 , 03:22 AM
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Tavern: The stools are all way too short. If someone were to sit on those the bar would be at chest to neckline for them. Too short. And youll note bar stools always have either a beem/bar along the bottom of the bar to place your feet. Or a spot on the stool to place your feet. Because the stools are usually tall you cant reach the floor. I also think there are too many stools, but thats the artists preference

Theres also nothing holding the axes on the wall..... Might want to add a little more decoration aswell to the wall.

Room: It was rather dark for me to see. Possibly add more lights for a better fill.

Sword: As said the hilt makes the sword almost unusable, i collect swords and swords in that style and that would be purely decoration, completely unweildable. Open up the hilt by seperating the serpents a little and dont make them go all the way to the base of the handle, halfway should be plenty.

The blade is also pretty short, but thats a preference thing.

The blade doesnt look sharp and there is no blood groove. the design is okay it only needs to be refined a little.

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