Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 12-02-2007 , 01:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203

SimplyMaya Content Rating, and Admin Rights

Hi there all,
I have 2 questions.

1. I am using McAfee Privacy Center to block adult content on one of my Window's user accounts, say the name is "bobAccount". Also, I have been a simplymaya user for longer then I have own this blocker software, so I know that the content of your forums are really not that explicit for an older teenager to explorer through. However, the problem I am having is that there are some parts that this so called bobAccount can access to your forums, but this account most definatly cannot search your forums. When this account user tries to search, he gets the privacy block error page.

I have spoken with McAfee and he said that there is a diffence in and So I have added both of these urls into the allow site area, but the user is still being blocked from searching the simplymaya forums. Therefore, the technician advised me to contact your company and ask what are the urls from simplymaya website that would block the user from accessing the content. He said that I would need to know these urls so that I could add them to my Allow Website content area of the McAfee Privacy Center software. Therefore could please give me the urls or is there any way I can setup my simplymaya account to allow for the user to access all of your content?

2. My next question deals with your movies and Windows Adminstrator rights. I have downloaded the free character movie, but when I tried unzipping the movie folder under the "limited windows account", the zipped folder asked for a password. However, when I unzip the zipped movie folder with Adminstrator Rights it did not ask for a password. So my question is, is this Windows blocking me from unzipping the zipped folder or did your company add a password to the zipped folder, if so, then what's the password.

# 2 12-02-2007 , 01:13 PM
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Hey Bob.

Answer to question would be better answered by Dave, Tubby or one of the Mods. But try to unblock also and does the software "security" center block scripts? If it does you may need to change some of the more advanced options to allow cgi based scripts to run on your browser (CGI Scripts include php and perl, this site is php based). Also you could just tell it to allow *, which should allow it all to flow freely...

Answer to the second question. None of the SM dloads are passworded, so yes it will be the security of the restricted account stopping the operation and asking you to submit new credentials to allow the operation to complete.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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Last edited by R@nSiD; 12-02-2007 at 01:16 PM.
# 3 12-02-2007 , 01:26 PM
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are you really trying to block yourself from viewing adult content? if so, then yea you've got a problem.

if you're trying to prohibit someone else from accessing said content, create your own password protected user account with this 'privacy center' disabled, and then log out every time you leave the computer (or lock the computer, it should usually be found in the ctrl+alt+del menu for win2k and later, and requires the same password to unlock the station).

i just recommend the 'alternate-user creation' method because it sounds a heck of a lot easier than banging your head on the wall trying to solve the software problem.

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# 4 12-02-2007 , 05:17 PM
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Posts: 203

Originally posted by R@nSiD
Hey Bob.

... does the software "security" center block scripts?

kind of. However, there is a difference between the Security Center and Privacy Center. The Security Center is the entire McAfee suite, and the Privacy Center is one of the tools that is included in the Security Center. So in a sense, I do not think McAfee Privacy Center has a parental script blocker. On the other hand, McAfee Securty Center does include a scripting blocker tool but I believe it is not for parental control, rather it is more so for monitoring viruses that use scripting language such as ActiveX and VB scripting etc.

So one thing I can be sure of is that it is not the Sercurity Center script blocker causing the problem to access this site. The reason I say this is because like I said before the script blocker is not parental control based. Therefore, in order for the Security Center script blocker to block this site, it would of blocked all Window users since the script blocker is not parental controlled.

On the other hand, I have not tried *, though doesn't that sound a little dangerous?

are you really trying to block yourself from viewing adult content? if so, then yea you've got a problem.

LOL, very funny, but shouldn't we refrain ourselvse to our opinions of others on this board?

# 5 12-02-2007 , 05:48 PM
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Originally posted by junkyBob
On the other hand, I have not tried *, though doesn't that sound a little dangerous?

Not really, all your are telling the system is to trust the domain of, and you are happy to accept any permutations at the front, i.e.:



Its the same as if you add as a trusted site and dont add forums. IE alerts you are going from a trusted source to a non trusted source.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 6 14-02-2007 , 12:41 PM
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oh i'm sorry for the misunderstanding, i wasn't making an observation about you, i was commenting on the situation at hand... after reading your reply and re-reading what i wrote i can understand how that could be misconstrued... sorry about that.

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# 7 16-02-2007 , 12:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203
NeoStrider, your appology is accepted.

Also, I am still having problems with simplymaya even with the * To top it all off, I do not understand why I can view some peoples thread, but I cannot view this thread which has no adult content at all, verbally or visually. The only way I am able to access this thread and reply back to it is by loging in as adminstrator. I do not know which person I should ask because, it does relate to McAfee software, which means I should contact McAfee, but then it also relates to how simplymaya has setup their website ratings, which also means I should contact simplymaya.

Also, I do not think PM'ing Dave or Tubby will resolve this issue since I never got a reply back for my other question when I had asked about changing my account. I think the best bet is to keep this thread open and hopefully someone with knowledge about simplymaya and parantal control will reply back instead.

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