That means the light should be aniamted, if possible!!!

my vision is that the sun illuminates the floor and the table and fills the room with light, a normal day so!

but the trick is that the light should be visible(sfumato)
or better materialised light through dust in the air and the tree outside is moving because of the wind outside.
The final image is a still where the light shows a specific atmospheare trough the play of light!
the image below shows a right way, but the beams are made with Photoshop, because directional lights don´t supports fog and with spots I don´t get good results.
My idea is really to render that playing light, because of the moving tree, the resulting floo illuminating, the visible beams.
has somebody any advice how to create that effect?
if I don´t had tryed every possible way I know. than I wouldn´t ask! Please help me, because I think it could be get a very nice project!
thanks and goog day!