Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 08-04-2011 , 05:24 PM
BeAstMaSter's Avatar
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computer desk v2

v2 of my computer desk
both cabinets consist of 1 door, and 3 panels
still need to model lattice work to be the monitor stand
and recess a couple sections under the countertop for light placement

you'll notice cabinet tops have been recessed 1/2" from top to help minimize hot spots from the under counter lights
then I need to model/create the under counter lights......

after which I'll start playing with UV's and applying textures.
countertop will have a 1 1/2" border of darker wood, the rest will be a lighter wood...
same with cabinets, outside 1 1/2" edges will be same darker wood, and doors and panels will be the lighter woods...

any comments/crits welcomed......

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Last edited by BeAstMaSter; 19-04-2011 at 05:14 PM. Reason: edited to attached missing linked pictures
# 2 16-04-2011 , 08:17 PM
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Looks very clean and neat so far. I remember seeing in another thread that you were a cabinet maker and I think it's really interesting that you're making things in Maya now. Last year I was forced to help out with making tables for our bar and I knew nothing about wood work and the amount of time and skill that would go into it. And the incredible attention to detail it takes. My surfaces came out pretty bad, even though I polished and sanded like crazy, so I have a lot of respect for carpenters after this experience because it's amazing how much work goes into producing proper furniture which is important in a world where quality seems to be dying out.
So its nice to have you on the forum I think user added image


# 3 17-04-2011 , 10:34 PM
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thanks for the comment ma'am user added image

don't know why but several pictures aren't showing up (linked to from my personal web server), saw them when I made original post but now missing user added image

sorry Nilla, but I am no carpenter! , I am a cabinetmaker
and yes ma'am there is a huge difference , I'm a prima donna LOL

cabinets are pretty much finished,
have deleted and completely rebuilt the countertop, included recessed underside for light placement.
have spent a couple days looking at UV tuts but am missing something as it's not doing what I expect (can't cut UV from shell to move/rotate/etc.)
will have to watch again to see what I'm doing wrong......

spent a better part of 6 hours yesterday playing with textures, looked OK
but really need to learn UV's so I can make the wood grains flow the way they're supposed to.

and it's nice to be on this forum ........ I think user added image

# 4 18-04-2011 , 12:28 AM
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Haha, you got me there I'll blame it on English not being my mother tongue and the blond hair user added image I've had this difference explained to me before though very sorry for offending your trade, cabinet makers are definitely the fine artists I do know that. So it's alright to be a prima donna in this case.

Strange with the pictures disappearing, try either just attaching them through our system or add a link to your main site.

UV's are sort of their own small nightmare. Try to get good with 3D procedural textures as well, you'll need a bit of both but it can save you a lot of time on UV layout and high-res bitmaps for architectural materials.


# 5 18-04-2011 , 01:59 AM
bullet1968's Avatar
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Thats a FUNKY shaped cabinet mate!! model looks good man...will wait for the textures!

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 6 18-04-2011 , 11:24 PM
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@Nilla, no worries and no offense...
not too many understand the distinction between the 2 trades, but it's fun trying to explain to people user added image

well, I'm finding uv mapping to be a huge PITA
got the cabinets and panels pretty much done, still have to layout the countertop border so the woodgrain flows the proper direction.
cabinets made from South African Bubinga, doors/panels are from South African Wenge
I switched the top with inset Bubinga and border Wenge to add to the overall contrast of the grains/colours.

Still have to model the monitor stand, and might just remodel the counter support while I'm at it.....
but this is the farthest I've made it with any model I've attempted yet user added image

comments/crits welcomed.

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# 7 19-04-2011 , 01:43 AM
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Looks pretty damn good to me mate...I dig the that a real tile in your abode? or a PS job? looks a lot like wood textures I have been playing around with in PS...courtesy of Kailanis cot methinks...timber on the brain LOL


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 8 19-04-2011 , 05:04 PM
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thanks bullet user added image
the tiles are actually very close to what is installed in the house where this will eventually be installed, and are from a group of textures I purchased years ago from Total Textures (bought when I was playing with Poser & Vue)

the woodgrains are pictures of actual veneers I took while working at my last cabinet shop, and in the end might hinder me as if you'll look closely you'll see "chatter" marks from the planer when these were manufactured. (horizontal lines going across the panels/doors)
in real life I could sand them out, but not in 3d user added image
it just might bother me too much and I'll have to decide on a different grain/color for the panels and doors, the more I look at it the more I don't like it user added image

but priority is getting my 1st model finished and looking fairly presentable
am thinking seriously of trying to also model the monitors and computer, but not a necessity for this scene.

# 9 19-04-2011 , 08:09 PM
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I like it. I'm about to legit out the door so won't post anything else just wanted to say looks cool before I forgot user added image


From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 10 20-04-2011 , 07:26 PM
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thanks for the comment David user added image

kept looking and didn't like the wenge panels, went back to original color/grain scheme
everything so far pretty much mapped and finished
still need to model and uv the monitor stand

question: you'll notice white spots on the countertop render,
these are actual holes in the veneer when photographed.
other than cleaning up in Photoshop, is there a way to fix this in Maya itself?

TIA and any comments/crits welcomed...

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# 11 20-04-2011 , 07:32 PM
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I'd say cleaning up in PS is the best way to go. Are you actually going to be building this in the real world? I'd love to see some images if you are.

Looking good though the final render will need some work to show it of a bit better user added image


From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 12 21-04-2011 , 03:52 AM
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thanks David, I figured as much about using PS,
no biggie , I just hate seeing those spots in my render user added image

yessir, I will be making this for real in the future, won't be until I get back to Thailand
which is 6 months or so away, and I'll take pics of progress just like the model.
Am actually glad I modeled it 1st as there are things I'll need to pay attention to when doing the actual construction.

I know the render isn't the best yet, worried about learning the modeling and uv'ing first
still have to get a grip on lighting, and some more with mental rey, which I'll have plenty more questions about
but considering I've been a member here for several years and finally progressing on 1st model, think I'm ahead of the game user added image

thanks for the comments

# 13 01-05-2011 , 10:42 PM
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small update finally, got the cab's and top completely uv'd
monitors are not modeled, they're just a shape there as a reference
monitor stand pretty much shaped, have to model 2 braces for the backside and tweak everything
then all that's left is uv'ing the stand, and tweaking the render.

c&c welcome.

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# 14 15-10-2012 , 03:23 PM
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That is a very nice looking corner unit design. I like the small details like the slightly elevated top surface above the base cabinets. I also like the wood grain selection.

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# 15 15-10-2012 , 03:48 PM
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leave it to a bot to dig up an old post user added image

Thanks for the comments ctbram
the elevated top is to allow for underneath lighting, and to minimize any hot spots the lighting could/would create on the cabinet's tops ....

am currently trying to muddle my way through the interior modeling tut
going to try to add a couple extra rooms when modeling,
1 for this computer cabinet, and 1 for my bedroom wall unit

still having issues grokking texturing/mental ray rendering/gamma correction/etc/etc
but still, slowly making progress....

I'm not lazy, I'm just resting before I get tired
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