Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 28-02-2003 , 07:19 AM
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Cold Mouse Hand Syndrome

I don't know if anyone else ever experiences this but my right hand (my mouse hand) gets REALLY cold sometimes!!

I only really notice it when I've done a bunch of work in Maya or Photoshop and get up to take a break...
# 2 28-02-2003 , 07:26 AM
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Sounds like you're somehow cutting off blood flow to your hands. It's not a good sign when your hands start feeling cold like that. First signs of RSI and other nasty computer-related ailments. You probably need to adjust how you hold your mouse or get a wrist pad to elevate your wrist so it's not resting on the mouse pad/table.

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# 3 28-02-2003 , 07:44 PM
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Also, try not gripping your mouse so hard.

That happens to me a lot when I'm nervous and/or focused, and that's when I notice that I've had a DEATH GRIP on my mouse user added image

Just an ideauser added image

Israel "Izzy" Long
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# 4 28-02-2003 , 11:22 PM
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I never thought about if I am gripping the mouse too hard.

I'll also try one of those pads.

Thanks for the input guys!!
# 5 01-03-2003 , 02:55 AM
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Thanks for the input guys!!

lol was that pun intended or conicidental!? user added image

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# 6 01-03-2003 , 03:01 AM
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Har har!

No, it wasn't intended.....

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# 7 01-03-2003 , 08:53 AM
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LOL! hehe...

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# 8 01-03-2003 , 01:35 PM
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i get this sumtimes, and its usually because my mouse hand is always out operating the mouse, but im usually sitting on my right hand so its always warm user added image

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# 9 01-03-2003 , 06:24 PM
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Yea, hidalgo.. if you have your arm on a solid surface, or a solid wrist support (and i mean like wood). Then this could be the problem. Also yea, when i model i dont put grip on the mouse, just let the pressure of my hand move it and whatnot, try it out if your not doing so already.

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# 10 01-03-2003 , 06:50 PM
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Yeah, i used to have that problem when i was playing strategy games, then it was about three years since i had started using computer. Now after 5 of using PC years I've noticed that my hand is warm again ;D
Maybe jou shoud get highers chair, cause i think that when your hand goes down the blood can't reach your wrist ;]
And yeah the grip is very important too, now i hold mouse like a feather not like a real mouse that can run away user added image

# 11 01-03-2003 , 07:01 PM
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I have a chair that I can adjust the heighth on, so I moved it up. That puts my forearm at a higher level than the desktop. Now I'll go get one of those gel support-things....

With all the injuries: broken bones, dislocated joints, torn muscles and ligiments I've had over the years, this is not an injury I would care to get.....

Tiger balm, ace bandages, and a good ice pack are my friends...

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# 12 01-03-2003 , 07:45 PM
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I use my right hand for the mouse and have had some small problems with it, but my left hand is the one that usually gives me pain. This is because I always have it in possition to press and hold the left Alt button to move around in Maya, do Ctrl D for duplicating since I do that quite a bit, and to do Ctrl + undo as well. It stays in that position permanently when I'm modeling in Maya. As said before, I also have a habit of putting a death grip on my mouse, which really hurts in the long run. On top of all that, I'm probably in one of the worse sitting possitions of all to be in front of a computer. I have my couch budded up to my computer desk. Believe it or not, it serves as my bed, too and everything is in reach from it. My computers, my game systems, my TV, my sterio, my keyboard, etc. Yep, I'm lazy.

# 13 01-03-2003 , 09:37 PM
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I have major problems with both wrists. Now i work with my little finger, albeit i'm crap!

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# 14 03-03-2003 , 12:44 AM
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LOL, i love your room layout darkware.. hahahaha. I only get up if i have to go to a different floor in the house, otherwise i roll to the places i have to go on my chair user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 15 27-05-2013 , 06:29 PM
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If you are still around...

I don't know if anyone else ever experiences this but my right hand (my mouse hand) gets REALLY cold sometimes!!

I only really notice it when I've done a bunch of work in Maya or Photoshop and get up to take a break...

Old thread just found.... try user added image

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