Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 16 11-02-2004 , 07:03 PM
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Few months and it can be found here

# 17 11-02-2004 , 08:12 PM
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Originally posted by soulcialism
i play bass more than guitar,

current rig:
fender pbass (99 i think)

I've been thinking of investing in a fender jazz bass. Getting tired of trying to play bass lines with my midi controller (which is rapidly dying on me).

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# 18 11-02-2004 , 08:17 PM
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Did you ever see a band called Alter/Ego play?

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# 19 11-02-2004 , 08:49 PM
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jazz basses are really nice, especially the older ones if you can find one. my friend had one for a while, the action is just magnificent. he played through an svt solid state head and an ampeg 8x10, it sounded fantastic.

i'd really like to pick up an upright bass sometime but as of right now i have nowhere to put it, nor the money to invest in a half decent one.

aim: rabidflamingo
# 20 11-02-2004 , 09:19 PM
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Yeah I just need something to record with and ive always been a fan of the jazz bass' sound. I wouldn't go crazy spending money on it but the standard is only like $450 or so. One day...user added image

"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."
# 21 15-02-2004 , 03:15 PM
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Been playing guitar for some 15 years now...and for the last 10 or so I only play accoustic guitars.

I own an old Lowden L-27F and an instrument that was built for me by a friend of mine (who's an aspiring instrument maker here in germany), who's name is Heiner Dreizehnter.

Not too much more equipment...that's the nice thing about accoustic instruments, that there's no need to run around with huge Marshall stacks anymore, even if you're playing gigs.

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# 22 15-02-2004 , 04:18 PM
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Been playing about six or seven years.
Had a shot at playing original music full-time. Had a Marshall half-stack, loads of pedals and a Jackson guitar. Didn't work out so I sold all the gear. Now I just bang out a few riffs now and again on my brothers Ibanez and peavey amp.

# 23 12-03-2004 , 02:26 AM
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Heres what Im playing on. Not too much, but Im on a limited budget right now. user added image

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# 24 12-03-2004 , 02:36 AM
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I've been playing for about the past two years just goofing around, I wish I had the time to do lessons are actually get some real guitar knowledge, I just kinda teach myself. Ive got an Epiphone Strat replica(only one i've ever seen), a wimpy 15w crate amp, a Boss Distortion Pedal, and a Digitech RP50 multieffects pedal to satisfy my needsuser added image

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# 25 12-03-2004 , 11:22 AM
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im nearly 20 and i have been playing guitar since i was 6. i have an ibanez RG270DX, Epiphone, a yamaha classical guitar and a yamaha acoustic electric. i play in a band and we play Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC etc

# 26 12-03-2004 , 06:10 PM
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well basically i am not a guitar player but a key board player

# 27 16-03-2004 , 02:59 AM
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ive been playing for like 2 years and i play a copy of a gibson SG with a small small small marshall amp

who are your inspirations? mine would have to be metallica user added image

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# 28 16-03-2004 , 03:20 AM
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# 29 16-03-2004 , 06:19 PM
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Hey Nem, my inspirations are the sacred Gods of Rock Guitar. Known to us mortals as Slash and Angus Young.
I have a physical need to play the Highway to Hell riff at least once a day.

# 30 18-03-2004 , 06:35 PM
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Lurked the forums/site for a while, figure'd I would post user added image

I've been playing bass for about 13 years. Most of the gear I use I built myself (amateur luthier, but I have built basses a few for $$).

4 string electric upright, about a half-dozen 5 strings I built myself (34-35" scale, bolt on, neck through, etc), an Ibanez BTB 6 string, a Wishnevsky 7 string (WishBasses rule!), and a MIJ Sting P-bass (upgraded EMG pickup). I've got another half-dozen or so guitars in various stages of completion.. just don't have time to work on them anymore.

I've got QSC 850 and 1850 power amps (one or the other depending on what cabinets I use/gig demands) and a Behringer V-Amp (non rack mount) that I use for a pre-amp. Every cabinet I own I've built myself as well (much cheaper than buying *if* you know how to design a bass cabinet): 4x12+mid+tweet, 2 1x12s+mid+tweet, 4x10, 2x15, 6x10+tweet. I play a lot of jazz, not so much into rock anymore (but I do enjoy the goodness of punk/ska), so a lot of the sound I built is overkill.

Last edited by log0n; 18-03-2004 at 06:40 PM.
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