Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 121 17-03-2004 , 09:09 PM
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Originally posted by orgeeizm
when i get a new pc built, itll be linux of course! i had maya for linux before and it ran great, i could tweak the system the way i wanted it. but i need photoshop and all that other web design apps! gotta keep this machine wxp user added image

Photoshop - You can run it with Wine (A Windows Emulator for Linux, basically) OR you can download and learn GIMP, which is basically a free Photoshop for Linux.

Web Design - Once again, you can run Macromedia Dreamweaver/Flash MX with Wine, OR you can download the program Quanta for KDE, which I've heard is really nice. You can also try Bluefish, which does not have a WYSIWYG like Dreamweaver, but is still excellent.

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# 122 17-03-2004 , 09:30 PM
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ah yes ive tried those, i know the newest gimp has a new look, much more like photoshopish (i heard, maybe im wrong)..ive also tried emulating but, even emulated warcraft3 and some other games, but im not much into it. i want full power. its ok tho. ill wait till i get a new pc, just for linux and maya weeeee

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# 123 17-03-2004 , 10:43 PM
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... not impressed... i could have putted Activex thingies(which sure are a copy of g desklets ...)and the xyz bar which is a thingie like the circular scroll comand of OSX...

if i had lots of time to spare i would try linux to unlock the 64bit potential, but im afraid it will be faster to just wait the official 64bit windows...

The beast goes back to the store tough, either to get a better fan or to stay there and me to get the money back(their choice, i really dont care, it sure was a depression buy) think its running too hot even without overclocking.
it tops on 75ºwhen uneder load, maximum temp on amd specs is 70º so that means somethings wrong and even if it is pretty fast righ now (and it is faster than the adrenalines at 1/10th of price...) i havnt seen him perform at its best and i dont need that amount of power at home anyways...

Last edited by dragonfx; 17-03-2004 at 10:52 PM.
# 124 18-03-2004 , 12:57 AM
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Originally posted by dragonfx
[B]... not impressed... i could have putted Activex thingies(which sure are a copy of g desklets ...)and the xyz bar which is a thingie like the circular scroll comand of OSX...

Huh? ActiveX has absolutely nothing to do with gDesklets...

if i had lots of time to spare i would try linux to unlock the 64bit potential, but im afraid it will be faster to just wait the official 64bit windows...

Linux by nature is faster than Windows, especially the filesystems such as Reiser. You can get a 64 bit version of SuSE 9.0 for like $60 for the Home version.

"The first rule in government spending: 'Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?'" - From the movie 'Contact'.
# 125 18-03-2004 , 11:40 AM
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I have Xandros Linux and I really liked it but i got rid of it cause I couldn't figuire out how the hell to compile my network card driver or any driver for that matter user added image I would have loved to try it out but i couldnt connect to the net and therefore couldnt ask how to do it..

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# 126 18-03-2004 , 11:43 AM
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i meant faster because of the installation time, and specially the learning curve...

and i meant a copy because ive seen activex "desklets" that do the same(weather, news, clock,players,the trash bin,whatever...) and i bet linux introduced that concept frist...

Last edited by dragonfx; 18-03-2004 at 11:48 AM.
# 127 18-03-2004 , 02:16 PM
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Originally posted by Cyborg Corp
I have Xandros Linux and I really liked it but i got rid of it cause I couldn't figuire out how the hell to compile my network card driver or any driver for that matter user added image I would have loved to try it out but i couldnt connect to the net and therefore couldnt ask how to do it..

You had to compile a driver in Xandros? Odd... usually they have every binary driver in the world included.

"The first rule in government spending: 'Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?'" - From the movie 'Contact'.
# 128 18-03-2004 , 03:25 PM
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Mine is an accurate depiction of my current state of mind...

I'm truly tired of winter!

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# 129 18-03-2004 , 03:26 PM
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here is my desktop at work, reduced down from 1280 x 960.


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René Descartes
# 130 18-03-2004 , 06:22 PM
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# 131 19-03-2004 , 08:59 AM
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satch - i love that snow finger of yours - excellent! :p

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# 132 22-03-2004 , 08:31 PM
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heres mine...

hoo HA!!!

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# 133 23-03-2004 , 12:59 AM
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nd this is mine

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Alpha Gamma Sygma.
# 134 23-03-2004 , 03:31 AM
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I changed mine around. Here it is. I have to reinstall maya though user added image So no Maya icon. but usually that goes next to the Photoshop icon at the top user added image

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AIM: RavagingOrc
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# 135 23-03-2004 , 03:38 AM
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tres cool user added image

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