Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 12-03-2004 , 05:04 AM
spekkio's Avatar
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hehe sorry for that one... user added image

Ipso Facto Meenie Moe... MAGICO!!!
# 17 15-03-2004 , 11:07 AM
el_newty's Avatar
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OK guys,
I don't had much time, but here is what I did until now.
-modeling finished
-texture map finished

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 18 15-03-2004 , 11:15 AM
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-modeling: done
-texture map:done

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 19 15-03-2004 , 11:17 AM
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Pic3. (yeap another building)
-modeling finished
-texture map finished

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 20 15-03-2004 , 11:23 AM
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Pic4. (this is a statue frome the entrance)
-modeling finished
-texture map in progress

Soon I will post the first renders with texture, as soon as I finish them in Photoshop.I will post the texture map also user added image


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"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 21 16-03-2004 , 12:41 PM
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Hey guys, no C&C's ???
Wow, my work is perfect user added image
C'mon...I think it's a lot to say...don't be shy.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 22 16-03-2004 , 01:17 PM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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Looks like it's coming along well. user added image Hard to judge until you get it a bit further along. Keep it up!

# 23 17-03-2004 , 05:27 AM
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Thanks Mike user added image
Later I will post other screen shots with the landscape conception, and maybe If iI have enough time some textures user added image
For the moment it came something into and I have no time for this, later, let's say in the next week I will go further.
Until then,

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 24 17-03-2004 , 07:46 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 83
What in the world can be more important then this contest man? user added image Well, I wont be doing much work either the next week or so. Going for a short holiday. 5 days. To budapest. Yeah!
Your ancient civilization is coming along nicely btw. Quite a few buildings already. Are you planning to make a small city? And what kind of landscape will all of this be situated in?


# 25 17-03-2004 , 07:54 AM
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Wow, holiday in Budapest...hmmm...great. Me want too...
The Budapest is a great town, I was there once user added image
Yes it will be a small city situated near a mountain.
Stay tuned and you will see user added image


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 26 17-03-2004 , 09:03 PM
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Very nice work Newty, very fast too. Im looking forward to seeing your texture maps aswell.

PS: I like the first building best.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
# 27 18-03-2004 , 05:08 AM
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twisteddragon33, I'm glad that you like the first building most, because this is the main building (the BIG temple) the others are just add ups (appends - I hope you understand, I'm not certainly about this word).
You know like the pyramids, there is a best one - Pyramid of Kheops, something like this is what I intend to do in my scene user added image
The texture maps will come soon.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 28 20-03-2004 , 06:37 PM
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I understood perfectly. How many buildings are you planning for the wholke scene?

AIM: SublimeDragon33
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# 29 22-03-2004 , 05:22 AM
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Hmmm... I don't know... as many as I have to.
You know, to look OK and to not be a crowded scene user added image

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
# 30 25-03-2004 , 09:05 PM
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Maybe you should do a few commoner buildings. As most you have seem to be high level economic buildings or religious. A housing area or something would fill space with a purpose.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
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