Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 19-04-2004 , 02:49 AM
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More info on Maya 6

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# 2 19-04-2004 , 03:07 AM
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Have to save up to upgrade=)

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# 3 19-04-2004 , 03:49 AM
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Good think that I never left 4.5 user added image hehe

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# 4 19-04-2004 , 11:50 AM
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Alias has officialy announced Maya 6 in their website -
I get the impression that they have'nt much to tell -

in the New in Maya 6 for architecture page - they listed no new feature - do they think we are a bunch of fools ?

BTW their "Detailed list of new in Maya 6" PDF is only 12 pages long whereas 3DMAX 6 had 72 pages (or was it 152 ?)

no description of new features except for some - do we really need Browser iontegration ? Should we pay so much for so little ?

I doubt..


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Last edited by nirsul; 19-04-2004 at 12:03 PM.
# 5 19-04-2004 , 12:19 PM
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but it's new... new things are instantly better than old things...

# 6 19-04-2004 , 12:34 PM
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At least they have a fancy box design - which is something I really like !


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# 7 19-04-2004 , 03:18 PM
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MR now renders FUR and paintFX,
MR can do IPR with FG GI etc...
a new FUR creation node.
and much more.
i wonder how much to update..... as if we have learned all of maya 5.0 already!!! oh well, i think i'll wait for maya 7.0 or until i have money to blow in an upgrade....
i'll stick to 5.0

# 8 19-04-2004 , 04:47 PM
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These upgrades just keep coming....once you finally buy one version, the new one gets released.....Glad to hear about Maya 6.....Sounds like it is going to be a good one!

# 9 19-04-2004 , 05:39 PM
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there are a bunch of little upgrades. So little that if they had been Microsoft we would be calling this a free service pack. On the other hand, it's the little things that make life better user added image I'm kinda exited about the new curve editing tools (straight and lock lenght), and being able to use the mouse wheel (not to dolly in 3D, I don't like that, but in the 2D windows it's exactly what I wanted).
I think the design of the previous box was way cooler, but that's just me.
And I'll probably skip this version too, because I'm still trying to buy me a workstation :p

Also, I'm a noobie, so I can't have much of an opinion in advanced stuff like hair and fur. But hey, it's still sounds pretty cool to me to have mental ray renderable fur, and to have a hair plugin, every body else does, why shouldn't maya?

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# 10 20-04-2004 , 01:30 AM
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this is terrible! get your act together alias, softimage are releasing xsi4 at the same time and the upgrade from 3.5 to 4 is actually worthwhile, more than i can say for maya 5 to 6 user added image

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# 11 20-04-2004 , 04:37 PM
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i think too, maya 6 is to early ... the should have made this a maya 5.2 or something ...

its not worth a new number ...

but i donĀ“t care ... with anual maintenance i get it anyway ... so, just hope the will release a maya 7 within my contract as well user added image

# 12 20-04-2004 , 04:49 PM
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Personally, I think there are some good features in this upgrade. Integrated browser is going to be handy for me (asset management, documentation, etc). From the OS X front, the port to a Mach-O application is a big deal. I don't think it deserves a new version number nor the $900 price tag, but, then again, my job will pay for it. user added image

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# 13 20-04-2004 , 09:00 PM
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# 14 20-04-2004 , 11:17 PM
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They should just call it 5.5.

Yeah, but no but yeah but no....
# 15 21-04-2004 , 01:33 AM
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hey guys

There has been hundreads of upgrades done all over the package. I will try to list a as much as I can think of.

obviously everyone has heard about the Long hair feature. This can be used many more ways. you Can make any nurbs curve dynamic. eg. you can turn a spline IK in your character dynamic and it will give a great flow when being animated like a bees legs or an octapuss.

The soft modification tool is great. this will allow you pick any point on your poly mesh and pull scale and control falloff of the modification. There is also little widgets in the attribute editor that allow you control the taper of the falloff

char animation - huge update. basically trax was re done. UI is very easy to use and understand you can trim clips, cycle, scale hold and also you can lock clips mute and solo. you can crete clips from expressions and contraints. also import multiple audio tracks into trax. many more updates.

you can now retarget animation from on skeleton to another. trust me this is awesome. the two skeletons can be completely different and it will still work. Also label your joints in viewport
You can also now redirect your skeleton

in the hypergraph you can now move animation curves with a falloff or select multiple curves and apply a lattice to them. This is great with mocap data.

you can now apply deformers to particles and you can control falloff on lattice

the hypershade now has all the mental ray shaders integrated into it. you can create bins to organize your shaders. Also there is a text box to search for shaders and more stuff available here

PSD file integration. You can create PSD files in maya and also save out the UV snap shot into the PSD file. you can select which channels you want to map and this will create layer folders in the PSD file.

wow im getting tired already...

for MR rendering now... IPR is working. Fur, fluids now render. Countour integration in the mental ray globals. image based lighting and you can see the image in the viewport. Photon and final gathering visualization maps. Render blurry reflections and refractions. GLOW is working. and more

general texture stuff including DDS support and PNG formats. you can also bake normals on your poly mesh.

some modeling features are polygon mirror cut, vertex normal edit, PFX on polys also you can convert nurbs to polys as a single mesh.

Tones of updates to file referencing have been done. load and unload refrences in viewport. you can control which references will load when scene opens. automatically crete anotations and locators with references and many more

web panel in the viewport is now supported and you can actually have mel scripts in your html. full java support uses mozilla.

you can also crete multiple cloth caches and view and blend between them. see stress areas of your cloth also

sorry guys got to go very busy but trust me when I say this is a huge release for Maya. I only listed things that came to my head but there is so much more guys. TXS!

sorry for the spelling mistakes, I wrote this quickly and please if you guys have any questions ask away and I should be able to answer.

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