Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 29-07-2004 , 05:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 54
i think its very smart

# 17 03-08-2004 , 01:13 AM
vagyb's Avatar
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wow, just wow.

how long have u been doing maya if u dont mind me asking? lol if i could make something half as good as this i would be running around naked on the streets

# 18 03-08-2004 , 03:42 AM
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Ummm I have not been using Maya that long - I started about Oct last year and this was finished in about march. So that is about 5 months useage. To be honest I still know squat about maya and I am currenlty doing tutorials about rigging and stuff like that.
The secret is that I have been using Adobe After Effects and Photoshop for about 6 years and I have sort of cheated. For the city, I made really simple boxes (cubes) and then went out and took photos of buildings and made little montages in Photoshop and simply added these as texture maps. I have included a little piece of my site that shows how I did it. (this link better work - have not had much luck with geocities.)
Sneaky little bugger huh??
I have since found out (duh) that I could have made the buildings better using "extract faces" but it works so I was happy.
I am still trying to get some web space so I can upload a higher quality version that can be downloaded per aphex's request.
Should have something sorted out by the end of this week.

<font size=3 face=arial color=blue>S U R F E R M C D </font><br>
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# 19 03-08-2004 , 03:51 AM
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hehe i guess its time to go back to photoshop and flash user added image

# 20 04-08-2004 , 04:43 PM
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Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 21 04-08-2004 , 09:43 PM
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:laugh: vicious circle :laugh: i like it

# 22 08-08-2004 , 04:43 AM
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hey, really great work surfer.
I have a close friend who owns a recording studio in Melbourne Australia and he has been begging me to do something similar for some time now, but I suck at Maya so haven't given him much time as yet. I sent him a link to your clip and he just loves it.
Keep up the work, you have real potential.

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure.
# 23 09-08-2004 , 03:53 AM
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Ok! Hopefully I can upload a version of the “Race Along” Maya video tonight that can be downloaded. I have been trying to clean it up but the file size is still about 20MB so it will be at the same crappy quality as the one already online (about 4 MB). I will post a link to it – Does anyone know of some really good optimising – compression software that will create a small but clear movie??? I am using Media Cleaner 4.0 and it sorta blows.

COOL! about the feedback from Sarge. Thanks for that and if your buddy wants any work done, just get him to email me at and I can sort something out no doubt. (considering I am just sitting around twiddling my thumbs in my spare time at the moment.)

The vicious circle – Ha ha! I was in the Café at work and I heard someone talking about a vicious circle and my imagination went wild. I used this piece as an animation preparation for my study. It is all done in Photoshop and Flash and then put together in After Effects. I had this whole story worked out and decided to do it in instalments but no one really gave a crap heh heh so I decided to put it on hold. Glad you found it!

<font size=3 face=arial color=blue>S U R F E R M C D </font><br>
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# 24 09-08-2004 , 11:23 PM
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Hey ya
Here is the link to download the "Race Along" movie if you want it. Just right click and choose save target as from the options. It is about 8MB and is a little clearer than the streaming one on the site.

or you can go to my site and download it from the main page (bottom right corner - text may be a bit hard to read so I will fix that tonight)

This is sorta sucking up my bandwidth so I will only have it up online for download for about 2 weeks. If you miss out, email me ( and I will throw it up again (ha ha! online I mean).

Cool and good luck with the download.

:p user added image :p user added image

<font size=3 face=arial color=blue>S U R F E R M C D </font><br>
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# 25 09-08-2004 , 11:34 PM
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Top stuff m8........thankyou.........i think you done a good job of compressing it too........great quality for under 8megs........can see all the details now user added image
So its okay to pass it around now ya've got the titles on ?

# 26 10-08-2004 , 01:41 AM
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By all means.. Spread it around!user added image

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# 27 25-08-2004 , 11:49 PM
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I hope everyone has downloaded the movie because I am going to have to pull it down in the next week or so to make some room for some other bits and peices that I am up-loading. You will still be able to view it online at


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