Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 08-08-2004 , 12:54 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 5

Problems with nonmanifold!!!!

Well on the dog tutorial i was tryiong some diferent stuff so i tried to model it on poly.. but the prob is i saved the head part after i subdivided it and when i started working again i couldent go back to poly mode.. so i did the subdic to poly with vertex level 0. it did ok until the time i tried to subdiv it again to check how it was after i did the body.. it keeps givin me nonmanifold probs and i cleaned the mesh up with poly>clean up but it keeps creating extra faces that arent connected to anything so then i merge all vetexes and try to subdiv it gives the same error!!!
(after cleaning up sub dib works BUT since it kinda of seperates soem of the faces i get many subdivided faces of the model..)
anyone? user added image

# 2 08-08-2004 , 03:53 AM
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Hey Lotus, I don't know if you tried this but, when you go to poly>clean up, go into the option box and tick non manifold geometry. That should do the trick. user added image

# 3 08-08-2004 , 04:43 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 5
dang lol,.... thats what ive been doing and it still doesnt work
look wat happens is every time after i poly>clean up my mesh (the part ive had subdivided and then converted back to poly) gets seperated (all faces) but i get the normal mesh below and over it a layer with all the faces seperated.
after i merge vertex eerything it goes back to normal but even so it wont subdiv (it says about nonmanifold edges)
plzzzzz helpppp or ill have to start the model all over again!!!

Last edited by Lotus7; 08-08-2004 at 05:45 AM.
# 4 30-08-2004 , 05:33 PM
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I had a similar problem with a model I was working on and I tried the fix that is explained above and it didn't work either. In my case when I took a closer look, there was an extra edge there that was hard to see but it was there. Not sure if this is your problem or not but I hope it helps you.

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