Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 18-02-2005 , 01:53 PM
jsprogg's Avatar
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How many unfinished models do you have ?

It occured to me today that i have'nt posted work on the finished work board, the reason being is that i have never actually finshed a model in the time I have been modeling
i know some have said there comes a time when you have to say the model is done ,even if you are not entirely happy with it.

For the record i have 18 unfinished currently.

So Guys and Gals How many unfinished models do you have ?

# 2 18-02-2005 , 03:18 PM
ckyuk's Avatar
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Hundreds, and i'm not exaggerating. I would go and count them for you but this post would be off the board by the time i finished.

# 3 18-02-2005 , 03:33 PM
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I'd say I have hundreds too. Mostly pieces of stuff, not hundreds of entire characters. Actually when I'm working on something I can go through 40-50 different saves/ideas. Looking back I can really see my improvement over the past two years. So I guess it's good to keep all those things.

# 4 18-02-2005 , 04:21 PM
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with maya o photoshop i never say "it is finished" i say "all the work i wished or had to put on it its done" theres always something to redo/polish...

# 5 18-02-2005 , 06:20 PM
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you guys beat me by miles
I hope hundreds is not a figure I get to ,by 18 i mean 18 seperate model ideas of course I have many variations on the same model unfinished ..hehe

I also find that getting motivation to go back to a model i started and haven't touched for 6 months hard.

# 6 18-02-2005 , 07:05 PM
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You will probably end up with that many, even if you don't want to. It definitely wasn't a goal I started out to do. Don't think of it as a hindrance. It's more the nature of how this stuff goes. You make something, get bored with it, and start something else.

The most things I have saved is heads. I've got a bunch of heads. The next I guess is trees. I don't know why I'd have that many trees. But I do. LOL

As far as completed characters go, I've probably completed about 20. But I still wouldn't really classify them as complete, because I do go back from time to time to update a model. I'm not talking about textures, animations, etc... That's a whole other topic, and one I feel is very much neglected by most 3D artists. It's rare to see "accurate" textures IMO.

Only advice I have is to keep at it. Don't worry about how many incomplete models you got. user added image

# 7 20-02-2005 , 02:18 PM
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Cool thread. I actually have zero finished models.

The reason being, I have to finish one in order to see the faults and improve for the next time I do something similar. ie; faces, I always produce a better mesh that the previous because Ive learnt not what to do


# 8 20-02-2005 , 02:59 PM
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Jes, I also havn't really finished any models so it would be really finished. I have made finished models.

Noo0ooB... beginner... novice... newby... I'am new ! ! !

# 9 20-02-2005 , 03:33 PM
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All my models are complete it never to much free time to texture them and set them up in a enviroment.

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# 10 22-02-2005 , 08:55 PM
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Counting only seperate projects i have 532 projects into 6 groups of projects: Guns, Melee, Vehicules, Charactors, Robots, Other.

Most are in melee, Robots and other.

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# 11 23-02-2005 , 01:46 PM
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Twisted are all those 532 projects unfinished ?

I think we need to start an incentive thread
where you pick an unfished model and finish it user added image

# 12 23-02-2005 , 08:22 PM
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ive only finished one model that came out how i expected it to. And did all i wanted to do with it(didnt plan to animate it or texture it).

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# 13 23-02-2005 , 08:55 PM
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100 Billion MODELS!!!

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# 14 25-02-2005 , 05:55 AM
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36 unfinished models
i have yet to complete one
but my first time touching maya was this past september.

# 15 25-02-2005 , 06:32 AM
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what? you're supposed to finish them? oooh... user added image

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