How to close a panel
I have created a panel layout containing (Front/Side/Top/Persp) - is used on one monitor
This is the standard - so each time maya starts up this layout is displayed.
I have a dual monitor so what I want is to have (Front/Side/Top) on one monitor and the persp view on the other monitor. I have created a panel layout for the (front/Side/Top) layout and got the MEL script of the Tearoff Persp:
//tearoff of persp
modelPanel -q -e -to modelPanel4;
//the standard layout
setNamedPanelLayout "Top/Front/Side";
this is all oke and it working fine.
Now I want to MEL script a button to close the teared off pers view.
I have found the name of the panel - maya is telling me that it is called: modelPanel4
But when I use: deleteUI modelPanel4;
the persview is all grey.
So my question is how do you close (MEL script) atearedoff pers view ?
The Important Thing is NOT to Stop Questioning.
--- Albert Einstein ---