Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 03-03-2005 , 02:54 PM
Dragon3D's Avatar
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C-17 Crash!

Well I havn't been able to finish my Bot project but I have been working my you know what off at work user added image

Here are some stills from an animation I just finished. The total run time on the animation is about 30 sec. I hope to have the animation up later today after we get some sound in it. I only had 32 hours to complete this thing so the model isn't top notch but I think it work well enough for the budget of the project.

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More to come!


# 2 03-03-2005 , 08:28 PM
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Here is the animation....Let me know what you think user added image

Click Here


# 3 03-03-2005 , 08:53 PM
FubaR's Avatar
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hey..this looks damn nice man..I really like the camera views and the shaking effects.

# 4 04-03-2005 , 12:42 AM
sks's Avatar
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amazing, great work dude!.. as Fubar said, love the cameras and the shaking effect

# 5 04-03-2005 , 01:20 AM
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Nice job. Like they said, nice camera angles. One thing... when inserting the .swf onto your webpage, make sure it's set up to the actual size of the .swf animation because it's pretty blurry right now.

# 6 04-03-2005 , 01:57 AM
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nice...i like the particle simulation...1 suggestion about the smoke...research how real smoke coming from a fast moving object a meteor...i think you lack a bit of a volume in it..

but all in al its all good...

# 7 04-03-2005 , 02:09 AM
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Any smoke generated form a meteor would be the result of the meteor burning up from friction. Meteors are mostly ice and rock (iron I think); not much fuel for a fire in it.

A jet engine fire would consume a lot of fuel as it is feed JP-5 (or whichever jet fuel is used); there is also a significant amount hydraulic fluid to take in to account. Both these would generate a considerable amount of smoke. Any fuel fire is extremly smoky.

I'm not sure its an issue of volume so much as it is dissipation? I think the turblance in the aircrafts wake would disperse the smoke more.

The animation is well done... expect I was expect some parts to break off on impact :-0

AIM: mhcannonDMC

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Last edited by mhcannon; 04-03-2005 at 05:32 PM.
# 8 04-03-2005 , 10:31 AM
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good comment... i was the details...

i think you misunderstood what i was pointing really not good at explaining.sorry mate...user added explain it's an image that would explain my idea...

Attached Thumbnails
# 9 04-03-2005 , 03:17 PM
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Hey thanks everyone!

Cornholio you are totaly correct that is the one thing about the animation that I am very pissed I missed. I had seen that in some test renders and was going to add a partical sampler node to the system but spaced on it before render then ran out of time on this project.

Thanks everyone!!

# 10 04-03-2005 , 03:35 PM
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thanks dragon...

i've noticed that one beacuse i did the same mistake you did for my reel...student reel that my mentors have said...they're right...because real smoke doesnt act that way...

anyway...great scene and animation...speacially the that a dynamic camera?i mean did u use a plugin called dynamic camera?

goodluck with the project...

# 11 04-03-2005 , 03:48 PM
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No I did that in After Effects, and it was a bit of a pain in the you know what. The set up for it is very easy it just the key framing that's a pain. I just built the main comp then created a new comp with 2 copies of the Main comp in that one. Then I made the opacity on one of the comps about 40% and hand key framed moving that comp left, right up and down. Like I said it was a bit of a pain because I don't have a filter that does it anymore but it didn't take to long. About 10-15 minutes I think, and by doing the shake it addes SO much to the animation so it was worth it user added image


# 12 24-03-2005 , 01:33 PM
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i think the smoke is fine cause as u can see by the style of the project it has a almost animated cartoon look as if it was for sumthing like the film "chicken run" so the smoke looks fine to me

anyway great work an explosion of the engine on fire would nice though

# 13 25-03-2005 , 04:53 PM
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I like the plain, the smoke is very nice

# 14 20-07-2006 , 03:45 PM
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tried to check out the animation but the link is dead

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# 15 20-07-2006 , 06:01 PM
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it's all good but the smoke is too clumpy, very clean animation though user added image

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