Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 17-04-2005 , 07:30 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3

Cutting the Cartoon Dog in half

In the third Cartoon Dog tutorial at about 26:00 the dog is halved. When I go to the front view and try to select the faces on the left half and delete them I get the error message:

// Error: Non-deletable node 'perspShape' cannot be deleted. //
// Error: Non-deletable node 'persp' cannot be deleted. //

The left half of the dog is gone, but he entire lower jaw and nose disappear as well. I don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :o Thanks!

# 2 17-04-2005 , 08:58 AM
Pony's Avatar
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about the jaw and nose disappearing, I think you have to many of thoughs faces still selected.. look closer to see if the selection coloration is going over to the other side.

The perspShape and persp are just the camara nodes.. you probably selected it along with the other faces some how.. I wouldn't wory about it.

make sure you have that mesh if faces mode and select only them that you want.

# 3 17-04-2005 , 05:26 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3

That was it

That must have been it! I hid the nose and jaw before making my selection this time and no problem now -- thanks very much!

# 4 18-04-2005 , 06:24 PM
petrol's Avatar
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Location: London UK
Posts: 351
Keep going!

When the dog is done it looks pretty cool user added image will also give you a chance to experiment a bit with rendering and lighting. Don't worry about it now though, just get your head down and follow those tutorials user added image This was my result in polys:

I've just finished mine a few days ago, and I'm using the same techniques to make a more complicated model, to see if I can stay accurate to another more detailed creature. I've picked a wasp and I'm having loads of fun with it, which I'll make a thread for as a WIP if anyone is interested. Good luck!

Last edited by petrol; 18-04-2005 at 06:27 PM.
# 5 18-04-2005 , 07:50 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 3
Your dog turned out pretty cool! Looks like a brand new shiny toy. Hope mine turns out that well. I like this tutorial because of the way it take you by the hand and leads you through -- that's always been the easiest way for me to learn anything. I hope I can find more like this.

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