Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 23-04-2005 , 06:16 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 27


hi all.

before you say anything i have used the search function, thank you!!!!

My issue is pissing me off so badly.....

i'm modeling this car and am currently birailing the fender surfaces......

script editor:
select -r curve3detachedCurve2detachedCurve4detachedCurve2 ;
select -tgl curve21detachedCurve4 ;
select -tgl curve16detachedCurve2detachedCurve4 ;
select -tgl curve22detachedCurve4 ;
select -tgl curve19 ;
select -tgl duplicatedCurve2 ;
select -tgl duplicatedCurve1 ;
{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "curve3detachedCurve2detachedCurve4detachedCurveSh ape2"; $Selection1[1] = "curve21detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection1[2] = "curve16detachedCurve2detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection1[3] = "curve22detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection1[4] = "curveShape19";
string $Selection2[]; $Selection2[0] = "curve3detachedCurve2detachedCurve4detachedCurveSh ape2"; $Selection2[1] = "curve21detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection2[2] = "curve16detachedCurve2detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection2[3] = "curve22detachedCurveShape4"; $Selection2[4] = "curveShape19"; $Selection2[5] = "duplicatedCurveShape2"; $Selection2[6] = "duplicatedCurveShape1";
performBirail 0 3 `currentCtx`; };
multiProfileBirailSurface -tp2 0 -ch 0 -po 0 -tm 1 -tp1 0 curve3detachedCurve2detachedCurve4detachedCurve2 curve21detachedCurve4 curve16detachedCurve2detachedCurve4 curve22detachedCurve4 curve19 duplicatedCurve2 duplicatedCurve1 ;
// Error: mpBirailSrf1 (Mp Birail Srf Node): birail surface computation failedd

does this mean that not all points are touching each other because i swear i've triple quadruple checked this..and it's pissing the sh*t outta me........

Any help is appriciated....

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# 2 23-04-2005 , 06:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 27
man how do i get a clear picture of my screen while keeping the size to a min???? this screen is super blurry sorry....

# 3 24-04-2005 , 06:56 PM
tariqrf's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,253
use Snap to Curve and then just run through the intersections again,.,, should solve it, otherwise, i think its the history....

cant see anything btw,

# 4 25-04-2005 , 04:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 27
yea i know..snap to curves....

i was wondering if there was a more efficient way of snapping points to the curves...because not all cv's lie on the path of a sometimes snapping a cv to a curve doesnt' actually snap it to the curve.....

nurbs is very frustrating.......user added image

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