Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 1 21-04-2005 , 06:00 PM
Jay's Avatar
Lead Modeler - Framestore
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Alien Guy

Hey Guys

Well here we go again!! New mesh, new character. This is 1hours work on the head right now( I kid you not!!) The advantage of this guy is he'll have no ears just receptor/tentacles and horn things sticking out. But this ones a mean bastard!!

Update soon


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# 2 21-04-2005 , 08:51 PM
Pony's Avatar
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off to a good start again. 1 hour is great.

# 3 22-04-2005 , 08:02 PM
gohan1842's Avatar
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awsome nice geometry.

I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd.

msn -
I'm up for a chat anytime.
# 4 22-04-2005 , 08:20 PM
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Lead Modeler - Framestore
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Hey Guys

Thanks. I havent added a great deal of detail really at the moment as Im busy just blocking the characters head shape overall, as I would like to get this as close to the drawing as possible.

Heres a small update anyway


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# 5 23-04-2005 , 06:04 AM
vedic kings's Avatar
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Hey good work so far, nice and cleanuser added image

# 6 23-04-2005 , 06:56 AM
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very nice so far. it reminds me of that character from star wars. i don't know what race it is but the guys have the same kind of head with this long beard and moustache. i think it was from star wars user added image .

# 7 23-04-2005 , 09:14 AM
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Long Beard and moustache? Star Wars?Hmmm? I'll rattle my brain cell on that one. A beard and moustache in Star Wars is usually a Jedi or something.

I'll have a think anyway, this dude is modelled on a 'twist' of Nick Nolte from The Hulk- kinda craggy but nuts!!


# 8 24-04-2005 , 04:34 PM
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Hey Dudes

Small Update, still lots to do!!



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# 9 26-04-2005 , 07:52 PM
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Hey Guys
Latest update on this dude, tweak tweak tweak, cut!!
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# 10 26-04-2005 , 08:30 PM
BMS's Avatar
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Man that's looking really good! Can't wait to see where you take this character.


# 11 26-04-2005 , 08:46 PM
DanaScully's Avatar
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dude're the best. All of your work is clean and wonderful.
What frustrates me the how you make it seem so......effortless (in the compliment kind of way of course)
...and although you are a're definately worth looking up to user added image
Hope you get the tutorials section on your site up soon user added image

# 12 27-04-2005 , 07:26 AM
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DanaScully: Im blushing:o but thank you all the same. As for effortless, again thank you, but there are days where I can pull my hair out but I think one of the keys is to think clearly and keep it simple in the way you work,as I find people get bogged down with the technicalities of it all and they miss the bigger picture, but also they try and work beyond their own capabilities when they dont even have the basics grasped.

I dont if you have seen other posts where people have asked about tutes before but Im a bit on the fence with those right now as thats why we have Simply Maya to do them so everyone can come and learn so I dont wanna take anything away these guys as they do a bang up job, and I dont want my butt kicked of the forums by the mods. You can go and register on the forum at my site if you want as theres some insights there to how things are done and various questions answered. I'm still working on some write ups to post there too on other bits and pieces on my work flow etc. So keep a sharp eye.

BMS:Thanks dude, yeah this guy is gonna be a bit different to what you have seen with my previous characters. Be patient hes getting there.

Regards to all


# 13 27-04-2005 , 09:06 PM
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Hey Guys

Changed my mind on the receptor thingsand gave him ears instead!!

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# 14 27-04-2005 , 10:41 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Posts: 15
I'm curious about your decision to put human ears on him after all - what made you do it? And was it a conscious decision to give them the proportions that of a normal human being (top of ears pretty much aligned with the eye-level, and earlobe with nose)?

I can't see anything "wrong" with the model itself - I'm not so well-versed in Maya yet that I pick up on those few misaligned vertices user added image

But from a design-standpoint I think you've got the look down well, making it look human, yet alien enough to catch that extra interest.

I do think that effect would be stronger without the horns, though. Had you gone for an emphasised cartoony style the horns might have been necessary to show the alienness, but since this has a realistic feel to it.. well, I think I would try without the horns at this stage of modelling user added image

# 15 28-04-2005 , 07:32 AM
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Hey thanks for your thoughts.

Well the decision for the ears was basically he has to hear with something, but the original design for the 'hearing' didnt come across to well on looking at it for a few hours and I think it confused the issue as to what they were(receptors like and insect) But as you already answered yourself - that you need to catch the extra interest, which is basically something to relate to or it just becomes 'another' alien that just looks too weird.

As for misaligned verts, there are only the ones down the center seam right now for the modelling (one side is instanced so it will be gone by the end)

As for losing the horns, in a nutshell, no, sorry dude, no chance! They are part of the character. Although they are symetrical right now one of then is gonna get cut about half way. The character itself is going to be battle damaged all down one side, but you'll have to wait for the updates on that Im afraid


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