Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 11-05-2005 , 02:22 PM
JSand4325's Avatar
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Simple Model

Hi I'm really new to Maya in fact I only have the personal learning edition right now, though not for long I hope.

Anyways I can't figure out how to model this simple shape:

user added image

I'm working on just the greay part I think I can get the blue part pretty easily.

So I made a NURB cylinder for the shape, then I made a NURB sphere and shaped it just right for the divot or the inwards curve or whatever you'd call it. I figured I would also make a curve for the edge part and then just a flat back, I'm prolly going about it all wrong so any help would be great.

Also I don't know how to cut a NURB sphere in half other than changing the end and start sweep, and I can't get the curve right when I have the circle turned that way, I can get it perfect when the end/start sweep is perpendicular to the curve though heh

# 2 11-05-2005 , 04:56 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Posts: 159

Nurbs problems.

I'm not really sure about the modelling as I can't work out what you mean off that 2D picture, but

To 'Cut' your Nurbs sphere, you could use:-


Regards Scraggy

# 3 11-05-2005 , 05:39 PM
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Ok thanks

Yea I know it's not so great but it's all I have as it's never been realized in 3D that's why I want to do it heh

I've worked with the image before and I see it often cause it's the logo for a community site I'm involved in so I feel I know what it looks like in 3D

Here's what it would look like from the side if a paper-thin section was cut out of the center:

user added image

Hopefully that gives you a better understanding of what I'm trying to create

# 4 11-05-2005 , 06:37 PM
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One way is to create a curve for half of it, and then revolve it.

# 5 14-05-2005 , 05:17 AM
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Thanks alot for the revolve suggestion, that's what I ended up doing and it looks just how I wanted it to or very very close user added image

Here's what it looks like:

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user added image

So I want to make the edges metallic, brushed metal, so that would be phong right?

And I want to make the center to have a surface like a shiny blue marble

that would be the other shiny one? hehe

# 6 15-05-2005 , 02:01 AM
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any help on texturing?

# 7 18-05-2005 , 05:03 PM
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Ok well I've done it . . . as well as I can with no help hehe

here are some pics of it:

user added image

user added image

I have a question though, is there any way to get rid of the seam on the side of it?:

user added image

Also this is the image with no lighting, I think it looks fine with no lighting and I was wondering if you guys think I should put lighting on it?

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