After standing in line for almost half an hour (the line was all the way around to the back of the building!) we're finally in and getting our seats. But due to our position in the line we were only able to secure front row seats. Blech!
"A long time ago..." fades in from black and the theater erupts into applause and revered shouting. It fades again and then BAM! STAR WARS opening title and story line scroll the screen. Tilt down to a lone republic battle cruiser over Courascant and in fly the two Jedi fighters. The camera follows their flight right into an all out full scale space battle. Awesome opening imagery!
This movie is non-stop action from the get go.
The battle on Kashyyk was kewl but brief. Not enough action for the Wookies. (oh yeah, they bring back the Tarzan yell for them... you'll see.

I never knew Jimmy Smitts was playing Senator Organa (Leia's assumed father).
A lot was left open at the end. I feel the need for an Episode III 1/2. Would have liked to see more of the new Vader in action suited up.
PROS: Action scenes are better. Light sabre duels are more choreographed, less 'corny' dialogue, NO JAR JAR! (except at the end but he doesn't speak

CONS: Not enough of the Wookie battle, Chewbaka has a very short introduction and Yoda is kinda corny when he says he will miss them, Darth Vader's dialogue is kinda corny (when he gets suited up and asks about Padme), General Grievous's special guards are weaker than what is portrayed in the Republic Commando game, R2D2 kicks ass in this one (yeah I know, but he doesn't seem the type), in the final duel between Obiwan and Anakin they skim the surface of a lava river and never catch fire but when Obiwan defeats him Anakin suddenly becomes vulnerable to the heat (?), too much is still left open - I feel the need for an Episode III 1/2.
I think I'm going to have to see it again, this time from the middle of the theater. I don't think my viewing experience was all that informative due to having to scan the screen so much because of being in the very front row.
Lucas pulled a whammy out of his ass for this one. He definitley came through on it. Out of the first three episodes I would have to say that this one actually feels like a STAR WARS movie in the sense of the original three.
BTW: The movie's title Revenge of the Sith is a play off of Return of the Jedi's original title which was supposed to be Revenge of the Jedi.
I'll post more thoughts when I can think of them. Too sleepy right now. Must rest.