Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 10-01-2005 , 09:29 PM
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Posts: 490

Sin City

# 2 20-05-2005 , 11:18 PM
mtmckinley's Avatar
The Maya Mountain
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Spoilers below.

finally saw this today.

Wow. What a brutal movie. I've never seen so many attacks to male genitalia in a single film before. *shiver*

Still, it was quite a ride.

Marv is frickin' invincible! lol And Elijah Wood's character was a huge 180 degree turn from Frodo. He didn't even have a speaking line, which I was surprised to see.

Couple questions though, maybe some of you know the answers...

Why did Kevin (Wood) kill Goldie? I didn't get that part. I understand that he and his pope-like buddy was killing/eating hookers and stuff, but I didn't understand the motivation to kill her and frame marv for it.

Also, Hartigan waited 8 years before he decided to confess to the crimes he didn't commit... and then they let him out of jail? Huh?

# 3 21-05-2005 , 12:14 AM
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Posts: 164
Yeah, Sin City was awesome! I saw it a little over a month ago.

Originally posted by mtmckinley
Wow. What a brutal movie. I've never seen so many attacks to male genitalia in a single film before. *shiver*

Yeah, this movie made me feel really lucky to still have my genitalia. :bow:

Originally posted by mtmckinley
Why did Kevin (Wood) kill Goldie? I didn't get that part. I understand that he and his pope-like buddy was killing/eating hookers and stuff, but I didn't understand the motivation to kill her and frame marv for it.

I feel like the answer is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember. :angery:

Originally posted by mtmckinley
Also, Hartigan waited 8 years before he decided to confess to the crimes he didn't commit... and then they let him out of jail? Huh?

I think the plan was to wait until he confessed, so that he could be proclaimed as a low-life child rapist for the rest of his life. They were just out to ruin him. I'd guess that Kevin's father used his power to his advantage and only allowed the jail to release him after confessing.

Last edited by SuperTrooper; 21-05-2005 at 12:21 AM.
# 4 21-05-2005 , 03:22 AM
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Yeah the only thing I could figure with Hartigan being let out was they wanted him to lead them to Nancy (sending him the finger in the mail and all), but you'd think that'd be pretty obvious.

I thought that perhaps I had blinked and missed the part where it said his old partner was transfering him to another prison and Hartigan killed/got away from him or something... I dunno.

As for Goldie... hmm

It was said that she "did" the cloth (clergy), so I can only figure that maybe she saw/heard about Kevin's favorite food... but if so, I don't see why they couldn't have just killed/ate her too. I dunno...

# 5 28-05-2005 , 06:34 AM
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On HArdigan, chances are, He'd already served the time they woudl have sentenced him for.. Say, He'd been sentenced to 4 years, he had served 8.. then he's already served his sentance.. Kinda like double jepordy laws.. cant do the time for the same crime twice.

On Goldie, I'm not sure, but i'dagree with you...Far as Setting MArv up.. Wrong place at the Wrong Time.. HE was a criminal already... everyone had him figured as the bad guy.. Easier to pin it on him..


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