Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 21-05-2005 , 01:00 AM
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I thought the movie was great, I loved it. You have to remember Anakin hasn't seen Padme for about 8 months, he has been involved in the war. If you want all the plot holes this movie leaves I really recommend reading the Ep III novel, it's much better than the movie. There is a lot explained in the novel that is not covered in the movie, as well as the comic books.

Sure the lines are still cheesy and Lucas still can't write romance scenes, but I still really enjoyed the movie.

Last edited by Tim_T; 21-05-2005 at 01:16 AM.
# 17 21-05-2005 , 03:10 AM
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So at the beginning, she was 8 months pregnant? I suppose that makes a tiny bit of sense now with the apparant progression of time, but she really INFLATED that last month. lol

# 18 21-05-2005 , 06:13 AM
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Medically fine, but losing the will to live? I call that depression and the person is not medically fine in the head in the case of their brain chemicals. That couldve been the reason for her death, since the scene between her and Anakin when she got choked "showed" how much she was "really disappointed" about her husband joining the dark side.

I have never seen anybody look that good and be severly depressed, then just die all the sudden. Heh, mabe someone should put a depression in Lucas's head. Anyway, all joking aside, I will have to see it again to catch what I missed.

# 19 21-05-2005 , 08:12 PM
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Padme could not have been eight months pregnant at the beginning of the movie or we would have noticed (or at least Anakin would have). Have you ever seen an 8 month pregnant woman before? They're huge! And she breaks the news to him about her pregnancy right then as well. I think news would have gotten back to Anakin some time in that eight months.

Lucas wrote EP 4,5, and 6 which were outstanding so why did he screw the pooch on 1,2, and 3? I don't think it was so much the writing but his directing. If you remember, he hired new directors for ESB and ROTJ. He felt directing and handling the special effects were too much to take on.

What I found most disappointing about EPs I, II, and III was the 'forced' (no pun intended) comedy. Star Wars is NOT a comdey! So why were there so many jokes? C3PO was a non-stop one-liner throughout EP II and it continued in EP III.

Okay, so we know how the droids got out of the jedi starfighters, so how do they get back in? Seems to me that anything that heavy and with all that circutry would eventually break after all that abuse of being catapulted from the wing mount. Ever drop your PC by mistake? Not a fun thing.

Yes, Wookie scenes were too short and Yoda's "Goodbye, I will miss you guys" scene was not necessary.

I agree about Darth Vaders NOOOooooo! scene. Totally unbelievable. But I guess if you think about it hard enough you could pass it off for Anakin's immaturity and unseasoned 'darkness'. At least they saved him by getting James Earl Jones to redo the voice. That was a classic moment if anything to hear him speak. user added image

I understand Lucas's idea to instill the 'shape' of things so that we see where certain elements came from from the earlier episodes, but do the Jedi have to change ships every episode? Technology doesn't change that fast in eight months, I don't car what galaxy your from or how far away it is. user added image I do like, however, how the new Jedi ships portray the beginnings of the TIE fighters. I didn't like the triple wing design of those other fighters. (BTW: Is it just because I like his work so much or can you also tell which vehicles Feng Zhu designed?) Oh yeah, new episode, new Star Destroyers. How long do you think it takes to build one of those things, and they had them ready for the new episode? HA!(okay, I'm feeling really geeky right now) user added image

Well again, overall it was the best out of the first three. I plan on seeing it again so I can experience it from a more seasoned point of view. The first time I'm too into the effects to care about much of anything else. This time I'll actually watch the movie. user added image

Dave Baer
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# 20 22-05-2005 , 09:15 AM
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Ok I just finished reading the part in the book where they meet again Anakin and Padme and she tells him she's pregnant. It was 5 months since they last where together or spoke.

I agree with Dave that Lucas is not very good at directing, and he knows this. He also can not write romance dialog lol But I love the cheesiness.

# 21 22-05-2005 , 07:49 PM
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Did any one else think the sss on yodas ears was a bit much, or is it just me? Overall I was happy with the movie, just kind of sad it is all over.

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# 22 23-05-2005 , 01:25 AM
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The sss? What the heck is that?

Dave Baer
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# 23 23-05-2005 , 06:21 AM
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Hi , I know this is not the normal view but for what it's worth I thought EP 4.5 and 6 were not that impressive and 1,2 and 3 even less so ....I am glad it's all over !!!

Star Wars was such a dissapointment from a guy that couldn't write or direct to save his life ! if only Speilberg had made it or even Ridley Sott , infact anyone but George lucky Lucas .

# 24 23-05-2005 , 07:55 AM
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i saw it last night and I loved it. I thought it was epic in every sense of the word and a true return to form. Ok it had the most gratuitous amount of CG ever in a movie ever ever user added image but it was generally well used. Some glitches for me: yoda crawling through the tunnels in his jim jams at the end looked crap, some dodgy digital doubles, script was awful in places ("I can't watch anymore" Obi wan, "Palpatine is evil -- No in my opinion the jedi are evil" obi wan and anakin) awful awful stuff. Not enough wookies user added image weird passage of time in that you never know how much time is passing e.g. going back to EP 1/2 padme doesn't age a day whilst anakin ages 20 odd years in the same way that characters were on some far off planet and then two seconds later they're back at the jedi temple... it didn't work for me, I wasn't a fan of General Grievous: it took too long to show that he was part human (thus explaining the f***king coughing!), padme's death was a bit pathetic compared to Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Grievous etc, the lava battle was cool but had some horrible CG in places i agree with mike about the lack of consistency (although when you work in film you realise that sometimes you just run out of time/money and there's nothing you can do you just have to get it out the door).

Anyways I'm being very critical about it but only because I loved it so much (I actually like EP 1/2 as well user added image) A fine end to the saga

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# 25 23-05-2005 , 02:17 PM
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Star Wars was such a dissapointment from a guy that couldn't write or direct to save his life ! if only Speilberg had made it or even Ridley Sott , infact anyone but George lucky Lucas .

If it wasn't for George, Starwars wouldn't exist, and the movies you watch in at your local cinema today would still be years behind where thay are currently. So atleast give George credit for breaking the technology barrier for both movie FX technology and cinema sound.

# 26 23-05-2005 , 04:02 PM
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Originally posted by dave_baer
The sss? What the heck is that?

subsurface scattering

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# 27 24-05-2005 , 08:44 PM
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I enjoyed the movie quite a lot. I'm amazed at the amount of detail they put into the film. I sometimes wonder if someone else would have done a better job with Directing these newer films, but no use complaining about what can't be changed.

High points for me:

Palpatine, aka Darth Sidius, really came into character in this movie. I found it interesting the only person who truly listened, or even understood Anakin happened to be the one person who shouldn't have. Obi-wan and Yoda and Mace really screwed up the Jedi big time. It wasn't just Anakin's turning point that the Jedi were eliminated, it was eliminated as soon as the Jedi council started to hide the fact they couldn't use the force like they use to.

Anakin's turning to the dark-side was something that was brought up from the very first prequel. Yoda and Mace pretty much refused to train Anakin because of that. I feel that they knew how close/easy it would be for him to turn to the dark-side, and being the Palpatine made him, I think that Palpatine did too. So to me Anakin's turn to the dark-side was almost as easy a decision as him wanting to become a Jedi. Especially considering the only person who actually showed him any sort of respect and honored his abilities happened to know the dark-side too. This was proven by his ability to kill Count Dooku, of which Anakin was completely unattached.

Obi-wans Lizard thingy. Awesome design! Makes me want to make something similar. I loved the way they animated it.

Acting was cheesy, but consistently so. Acting has been cheesy in all of the Star Wars movies. And for those who said Star Wars isn't a comedy I'm not certain you remember some of C3PO and R2-D2's comedic performances in the past movies, but to me it seemed true to form.

My overall view of the movie is that it is a tragedy. Anakin could have been one of the most powerful Jedi, and probably would have been if it wasn't for the Jedi council, and Obi-Wan holding him back. Anakin seemed to want to do good, and would have done so I think. But Mace and Yoda really screwed that up.

Two things in this movie that really stood out to me. For one, you find out that Darth Vadar is a villain without any redeemable qualities in the scene when he kills the younglings. I've heard from over a dozen women who "hated" that scene because of it's shear vulgarity. I thought the scene was necessary because you NEVER see why Darth Vadar is so evil in Episodes 4-6. So basically he was this cool looking dude with awesome powers that was supposed to be bad. No way to truly connect to what made him bad. That scene alone shows you Darth Vadars vileness.

The second thing was the scene after Obi-Wan and Anakin fight. Obi-Wan knew he'd failed him. He knew he should have done more. He knew whose fault it was that this had happened, and he walked away. Yoda did the same thing, but it wasn't as apparent. When the emperor came to pick up Darth Vadar you can see that they have had a closer companionship than we have been shown. Darth Vadar was born and grown to become what the emperor wanted him to be.

As my mom said when my parents and I left the theater, "It all came together." I'd say I have to agree. Regardless of the cheesy dialogue, bad acting, bad directing, etc... I don't feel a need to stick on those minor things. The story kicked butt, and for that I'm thankful he ended the movies the way he did.

# 28 24-05-2005 , 09:55 PM
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I dissagree somewhat to your Anakin theory. Qui_Gon told Anakin when he was a boy, that in becoming a jedi, it would be very hard, he would have to sacrifice everything. Anakin allready knew fear, and that was the main reason why Mace and Yoda decided against training him, and fear was his key to the dark side. As anakin got older he became more arogant. Anakin knew he was ahead of the other padawans "ability wise", and he would often show it off. Palpatine had a big influence on his training aswell, and was there from the very start of his training, and always giving subjective advice, and Palpatine's shoulder was always there for Anakin to cry on. Obi-wan was constantly reminding him to keep his mind on his mission, but Anakin was always putting is passions above everything else. It was often difficult for Obi-wan to control Anakin. Anakin should have obeyed Obi-wan, and not question his authority. Anakin would not keep to the Jedi code. That was the hardest thing for Obi-wan to control about Anakin. Anakin was simply too old to train as a Jedi, and Obi-wan would not have trained Anakin if it were not for Qui-gons dying wish. I blame Palpatine for Anakins down fall, not Obi-wan or the other jedi. The Jedi did what they have always done in reguards to master and apprentice relationships. The Jedi were bread to serve the Republic, nothing more.

I don't believe the Jedi's ability to use the force had diminished like they thought. I believe Palpatine had a new technique for hiding his dark self from the Jedi. He found a back door around the Jedi sences.

Of coarse this is only my opinion.

Last edited by THX1138; 24-05-2005 at 10:02 PM.
# 29 24-05-2005 , 10:14 PM
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I don't disagree with that. I just offered my opinion too, so I hope others don't take it as me pontificating.

One thing I would like to ask you though. Do you think Anakin would have faired better with the Jedi if they would have encouraged/respected him more than they did? Yoda didn't seem to fight training Luke whom was much, much older than Anakin was, but Luke turned out fine. Maybe Yoda learned from his mistake?

To me it seems like the Jedi sheltered Anakin too much. They left him in the dark on too many things, hence his curiousity with the dark-side of the force. Yoda seemed to know a lot more than he let on, and to me I think that hurt Anakin more than it helped him. Especially considering how different Anakin was. I personally don't think he should have been treated like a "normal" padawan from the start. I guess no one understood his true potential.

Just my observations though. user added image

It sure was a pretty movie though. The bar was definitely raised for Special Effects.

# 30 24-05-2005 , 11:29 PM
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Hehe, you sound like Emporer Palpatine, giving Anakin advice. Anakin would have faired better with the Jedi, and stick to the code. With the Jedi, It's all about earning respect. As Yoda said in Empire A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind, So why worry about what one thinks he can or cannot do. That was lukes problem early on. You do what your master tells you to do. That was Anakins problem. When you show defiance, you loose your trust with your master and peers, no matter how good you think may or may not be.

Lukes situation was different than that of Anakins. He didn't have the Emporer hanging around. True, that Luke lost many loved ones, but he was able to embrace that loss to make him stronger mentally. In the end Luke had 2 specific goals, and that was to become a Jedi, and bring his father back.

And of course this is just my own opinion.

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