Padme could not have been eight months pregnant at the beginning of the movie or we would have noticed (or at least Anakin would have). Have you ever seen an 8 month pregnant woman before? They're huge! And she breaks the news to him about her pregnancy right then as well. I think news would have gotten back to Anakin some time in that eight months.
Lucas wrote EP 4,5, and 6 which were outstanding so why did he screw the pooch on 1,2, and 3? I don't think it was so much the writing but his directing. If you remember, he hired new directors for ESB and ROTJ. He felt directing and handling the special effects were too much to take on.
What I found most disappointing about EPs I, II, and III was the 'forced' (no pun intended) comedy. Star Wars is NOT a comdey! So why were there so many jokes? C3PO was a non-stop one-liner throughout EP II and it continued in EP III.
Okay, so we know how the droids got out of the jedi starfighters, so how do they get back in? Seems to me that anything that heavy and with all that circutry would eventually break after all that abuse of being catapulted from the wing mount. Ever drop your PC by mistake? Not a fun thing.
Yes, Wookie scenes were too short and Yoda's "Goodbye, I will miss you guys" scene was not necessary.
I agree about Darth Vaders NOOOooooo! scene. Totally unbelievable. But I guess if you think about it hard enough you could pass it off for Anakin's immaturity and unseasoned 'darkness'. At least they saved him by getting James Earl Jones to redo the voice. That was a classic moment if anything to hear him speak. 
I understand Lucas's idea to instill the 'shape' of things so that we see where certain elements came from from the earlier episodes, but do the Jedi have to change ships every episode? Technology doesn't change that fast in eight months, I don't car what galaxy your from or how far away it is.
I do like, however, how the new Jedi ships portray the beginnings of the TIE fighters. I didn't like the triple wing design of those other fighters. (BTW: Is it just because I like his work so much or can you also tell which vehicles Feng Zhu designed?) Oh yeah, new episode, new Star Destroyers. How long do you think it takes to build one of those things, and they had them ready for the new episode? HA!(okay, I'm feeling really geeky right now) 
Well again, overall it was the best out of the first three. I plan on seeing it again so I can experience it from a more seasoned point of view. The first time I'm too into the effects to care about much of anything else. This time I'll actually watch the movie.
Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida