Selection and Uv Editor help
Hey ,
I have used Lightwave before and have moved to Maya but am having a few problems with making selections.
In Lightwave when I select a face or vert it only selects the one closest to the camera not mesh behind it.
1/ In Maya Im getting really frustrated because I will select a face in persp, only to see it select the face behind it. So I unselect it, and it unselects the face I want as well, and on and on. I have to fart around getting persp on a good angle where theres no mesh behind it in order to select only the poly I want.
Please tell me theres a way to fix this somewhere in settings.
2/ Uv editor, I have started doing UV maps but when I try and select teh face in the UV editor it selects the face I want and hides the rest, so how am I supose to align anything if it all disapears. Very annoying.
Please any help would be great.